International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Low-Bandwidth Mixed Arithmetic in VOLE-Based ZK from Low-Degree PRGs

Amit Agarwal , University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Carsten Baum , Technical University of Denmark
Lennart Braun , Université Paris Cité, CNRS, IRIF
Peter Scholl , Aarhus University
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Conference: EUROCRYPT 2025
Abstract: Vector oblivious linear evaluation, or VOLE, has recently been shown to be a useful tool for designing efficient zero-knowledge proof systems that can scale to large statements with a low memory footprint (Yang et al., CCS 2021, Baum et al., CRYPTO 2021). While most ZK protocols require statements to be expressed in terms of arithmetic operations over a single finite field, recent works in VOLE-based ZK have shown how to mix Boolean and arithmetic operations in a single statement, through conversions between different finite fields (Baum et al., CCS 2021, Weng et al. USENIX 2021). We present new, lightweight protocols for arithmetic/Boolean conversions in VOLE-based ZK. In contrast to previous works, which rely on an expensive cut-and-choose method, we take a new approach that leverages the ability of recent proof systems to prove general polynomial constraints, and combine this with specialized pseudorandom generators that have both low Boolean degree \emph{and} arithmetic degree. This not only simplifies conversions and greatly reduces bandwidth costs, but we showcase how it also improves the concrete efficiency of tasks important in practical ZK protocols of complex statements, including fixed point arithmetic and range proofs.
  title={Low-Bandwidth Mixed Arithmetic in VOLE-Based ZK from Low-Degree PRGs},
  author={Amit Agarwal and Carsten Baum and Lennart Braun and Peter Scholl},