International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Faster ABE for Turing Machines from Circular Evasive LWE

Valerio Cini , Bocconi University
Hoeteck Wee , NTT Research
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Conference: EUROCRYPT 2025
Abstract: We present a new ABE for Turing machines, where - encryption runs in time O(T) and produces a ciphertext of size O(T) for time T computation; - key generation produces a key of size O(1); - security relies on the (public-coin) circular evasive LWE assumption. In fact, we obtain an ABE for a simple and more general model of computation which we refer to as iterated (local) computation. We improve on the recent construction of Agrawal, Kumari, and Yamada (CRYPTO 24) in three ways: (i) faster encryption and smaller ciphertext size; (ii) smaller key size, and (iii) weaker assumptions, eliminating the need for circular tensor LWE.
  title={Faster ABE for Turing Machines from Circular Evasive LWE},
  author={Valerio Cini and Hoeteck Wee},