International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Qipeng Liu

ORCID: 0000-0002-3994-7061


The NISQ Complexity of Collision Finding
Collision-resistant hashing, a fundamental primitive in modern cryptography, ensures that there is no efficient way to find distinct inputs that produce the same hash value. This property underpins the security of various cryptographic applications, making it crucial to understand its complexity. The complexity of this problem is well-understood in the classical setting and Theta(N^{1/2}) queries are needed to find a collision. However, the advent of quantum computing has introduced new challenges since quantum adversaries --- equipped with the power of quantum queries --- can find collisions much more efficiently. Brassard, Høyer and Tapp and Aaronson and Shi established that full-scale quantum adversaries require Theta(N^{1/3}) queries to find a collision, prompting a need for longer hash outputs, which impacts efficiency in terms of the key lengths needed for security. This paper explores the implications of quantum attacks in the Noisy-Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) era. In this work, we investigate three different models for NISQ algorithms and achieve **tight bounds for all of them**: (1) A hybrid algorithm making adaptive quantum or classical queries but with a limited quantum query budget, or (2) A quantum algorithm with access to a noisy oracle, subject to a dephasing or depolarizing channel, or (3) A hybrid algorithm with an upper bound on its maximum quantum depth; i.e., a classical algorithm aided by low-depth quantum circuits. In fact, our results handle all regimes between NISQ and full-scale quantum computers. Previously, only results for the pre-image search problem were known for these models by Sun and Zheng, Rosmanis, Chen, Cotler, Huang and Li while nothing was known about the collision finding problem.
Time-Space Lower Bounds for Finding Collisions in Merkle–Damgård Hash Functions
Akshima Siyao Guo Qipeng Liu
We revisit the problem of finding B -block-long collisions in Merkle–Damgård Hash Functions in the auxiliary-input random oracle model, in which an attacker gets a piece of S -bit advice about the random oracle and makes T oracle queries. Akshima, Cash, Drucker and Wee (CRYPTO 2020), based on the work of Coretti, Dodis, Guo and Steinberger (EUROCRYPT 2018), showed a simple attack for $$2\le B\le T$$ 2 ≤ B ≤ T (with respect to a random salt). The attack achieves advantage $$\widetilde{\Omega }(STB/2^n+T^2/2^n)$$ Ω ~ ( S T B / 2 n + T 2 / 2 n ) where n is the output length of the random oracle. They conjectured that this attack is optimal. However, this so-called STB conjecture was only proved for $$B\approx T$$ B ≈ T and $$B=2$$ B = 2 . Very recently, Ghoshal and Komargodski (CRYPTO 2022) confirmed the STB conjecture for all constant values of B and provided an $$\widetilde{O}(S^4TB^2/2^n+T^2/2^n)$$ O ~ ( S 4 T B 2 / 2 n + T 2 / 2 n ) bound for all choices of B . In this work, we prove an $$\widetilde{O}((STB/2^n)\cdot \max \{1,ST^2/2^n\}+ T^2/2^n)$$ O ~ ( ( S T B / 2 n ) · max { 1 , S T 2 / 2 n } + T 2 / 2 n ) bound for every $$2< B < T$$ 2 < B < T . Our bound confirms the STB conjecture for $$ST^2\le 2^n$$ S T 2 ≤ 2 n and is optimal up to a factor of S for $$ST^2>2^n$$ S T 2 > 2 n (note as $$T^2$$ T 2 is always at most $$2^n$$ 2 n , otherwise finding a collision is trivial by the birthday attack). Our result subsumes all previous upper bounds for all ranges of parameters except for $$B=\widetilde{O}(1)$$ B = O ~ ( 1 ) and $$ST^2>2^n$$ S T 2 > 2 n . We obtain our results by adopting and refining the technique of Chung, Guo, Liu and Qian (FOCS 2020). Our approach yields more modular proofs and sheds light on how to bypass the limitations of prior techniques. Along the way, we obtain a considerably simpler and illuminating proof for $$B=2$$ B = 2 , recovering the main result of Akshima, Cash, Drucker and Wee.
Tight Characterizations for Preprocessing against Cryptographic Salting
Fangqi Dong Qipeng Liu Kewen Wu
Cryptography often considers the strongest yet plausible attacks in the real world. Preprocessing (a.k.a. non-uniform attacks) plays an important role in both theory and practice: an efficient online attacker can take advantage of advice prepared by a time-consuming preprocessing stage. Salting is a heuristic strategy to counter preprocessing attacks by feeding a small amount of randomness to the cryptographic primitive. We present general and tight characterizations of preprocessing against cryptographic salting, with upper bounds matching the advantages of the most intuitive attack. Our result quantitatively strengthens the previous work by Coretti, Dodis, Guo, and Steinberger (EUROCRYPT'18). Our proof exploits a novel connection between the non-uniform security of salted games and direct product theorems for memoryless algorithms. For quantum adversaries, we give similar characterizations for property finding games, resolving an open problem of the quantum non-uniform security of salted collision resistant hash by Chung, Guo, Liu, and Qian (FOCS'20). Our proof extends the compressed oracle framework of Zhandry (CRYPTO'19) to prove quantum strong direct product theorems for property finding games in the average-case hardness.
How (not) to Build Quantum PKE in Minicrypt
The seminal work by Impagliazzo and Rudich (STOC'89) demonstrated the impossibility of constructing classical public key encryption (PKE) from one-way functions (OWF) in a black-box manner. However, the question remains: can quantum PKE (QPKE) be constructed from quantumly secure OWF? A recent line of work has shown that it is indeed possible to build QPKE from OWF, but with one caveat --- they rely on quantum public keys, which cannot be authenticated and reused. In this work, we re-examine the possibility of perfect complete QPKE in the quantum random oracle model (QROM), where OWF exists. Our first main result: QPKE with classical public keys, secret keys and ciphertext, does not exist in the QROM, if the key generation only makes classical queries. Therefore, a necessary condition for constructing such QPKE from OWF is to have the key generation classically ``un-simulatable’’. Previous discussions (Austrin~et al. CRYPTO'22) on the impossibility of QPKE from OWF rely on a seemingly strong conjecture. Our work makes a significant step towards a complete and unconditional quantization of Impagliazzo and Rudich’s results. Our second main result extends to QPKE with quantum public keys. The second main result: QPKE with quantum public keys, classical secret keys and ciphertext, does not exist in the QROM, if the key generation only makes classical queries and the quantum public key is either pure or ``efficiently clonable''. The result is tight due to these existing QPKEs (Barooti et al. TCC'23, Morimae and Yamakawa QIP'24, Malavolta and Walter QIP'24). Our result further gives evidence on why existing QPKEs lose reusability. To achieve these results, we use a novel argument based on conditional mutual information and quanttum Markov chain by Fawzi and Renner (Communications in Mathematical Physics). We believe the techniques used in the work will find other usefulness in separations in quantum cryptography/complexity.
Improved Quantum Lifting by Coherent Measure-and-Reprogram
We give a tighter lifting theorem for security games in the quantum random oracle model. At the core of our main result lies a novel measure-and-reprogram framework that we call coherent reprogramming. This framework gives a tighter lifting theorem for query complexity problems, that only requires purely classical reasoning. As direct applications of our lifting theorem, we first provide a quantum direct product theorem in the average case --- i.e., an enabling tool to determine the hardness of solving multi-instance security games. This allows us to derive in a straightforward manner the hardness of various security games, for example (i) the non-uniform hardness of salted games, (ii) the hardness of specific cryptographic tasks such as the multiple instance version of one-wayness and collision-resistance, and (iii) uniform or non-uniform hardness of many other games.
Unclonable Secret Sharing
Unclonable cryptography utilizes the principles of quantum mechanics to addresses cryptographic tasks that are impossible classically. We introduce a novel unclonable primitive in the context of secret sharing, called unclonable secret sharing (USS). In a USS scheme, there are shareholders, each holding a share of a classical secret represented as a quantum state. They can recover the secret once all parties (or at least parties) come together with their shares. Importantly, it should be infeasible to copy their own shares and send the copies to two non-communicating parties, enabling both of them to recover the secret. Our work initiates a formal investigation into the realm of unclonable secret sharing, shedding light on its implications, constructions, and inherent limitations. ** Connections: We explore the connections between USS and other quantum cryptographic primitives such as unclonable encryption and position verification, showing the difficulties to achieve USS in different scenarios. **Limited Entanglement: In the case where the adversarial shareholders do not share any entanglement or limited entanglement, we demonstrate information-theoretic constructions for USS. **Large Entanglement: If we allow the adversarial shareholders to have unbounded entanglement resources (and unbounded computation), we prove that unclonable secret sharing is impossible. On the other hand, in the quantum random oracle model where the adversary can only make a bounded polynomial number of queries, we show a construction secure even with unbounded entanglement. Furthermore, even when these adversaries possess only a polynomial amount of entanglement resources, we establish that any unclonable secret sharing scheme with a reconstruction function implementable using Cliffords and logarithmically many T-gates is also unattainable.
Non-uniformity and Quantum Advice in the Quantum Random Oracle Model
Qipeng Liu
QROM (quantum random oracle model), introduced by Boneh et al. (Asiacrypt 2011), captures all generic algorithms but fails to describe non-uniform quantum algorithms with preprocessing power, which receives a piece of bounded classical or quantum advice. In this talk, we will show that even quantum advice is almost as good/bad as classical advice for many natural security games in the QROM, improved the bounds by Chung et al. (FOCS 2020). Finally, we show that for some contrived games in the QROM, quantum advice can be exponentially better than classical advice for specific parameter regimes.
Cloning Games: A General Framework for Unclonable Primitives
The powerful no-cloning principle of quantum mechanics can be leveraged to achieve interesting primitives, referred to as unclonable primitives, that are impossible to achieve classically. In the past few years, we have witnessed a surge of new unclonable primitives. While prior works have mainly focused on establishing feasibility results, another equally important direction, that of understanding the relationship between different unclonable primitives is still in its nascent stages. Moving forward, we need a more systematic study of unclonable primitives. \par To this end, we introduce a new framework called {\em cloning games}. This framework captures many fundamental unclonable primitives such as quantum money, copy-protection, unclonable encryption, single-decryptor encryption, and many more. By reasoning about different types of cloning games, we obtain many interesting implications to unclonable cryptography, including the following: 1. We obtain the first construction of information-theoretically secure single-decryptor encryption in the one-time setting. 2. We construct unclonable encryption in the quantum random oracle model based on BB84 states, improving upon the previous work, which used coset states. Our work also provides a simpler security proof for the previous work. 3. We construct copy-protection for single-bit point functions in the quantum random oracle model based on BB84 states, improving upon the previous work, which used coset states, and additionally, providing a simpler proof. 4. We establish a relationship between different challenge distributions of copy-protection schemes and single-decryptor encryption schemes. 5. Finally, we present a new construction of one-time encryption with certified deletion.
On Time-Space Lower Bounds for Finding Short Collisions in Sponge Hash Functions
Sponge paradigm, used in the design of SHA-3, is an alternative hashing technique to the popular Merkle-Damg\r ard paradigm. We revisit the problem of finding $B$-block-long collisions in sponge hash functions in the auxiliary-input random permutation model, in which an attacker gets a piece of $S$-bit advice about the random permutation and makes $T$ (forward or inverse) oracle queries to the random permutation. Recently, significant progress has been made in the Merkle-Damg\r ard setting and optimal bounds are known for a large range of parameters, including all constant values of $B$. However, the sponge setting is widely open: there exist significant gaps between known attacks and security bounds even for $B=1$. Freitag, Ghoshal and Komargodski (CRYPTO 2022) showed a novel attack for $B=1$ that takes advantage of the inverse queries and achieves advantage $\Omega(\min(S^2T^2/2^{2c}$, $ (S^2T/2^{2c})^{2/3})+T^2/2^r)$, where $r$ is bit-rate and $c$ is the capacity of the random permutation. However, they only showed an $O(ST/2^c+T^2/2^r)$ security bound, leaving open an intriguing quadratic gap. For $B=2$, they beat the general security bound %$O(ST^2/2^c+T^2/2^r)$, by Coretti, Dodis, Guo (CRYPTO 2018) for arbitrary values of $B$. However, their highly non-trivial argument is quite laborious, and no better (than the general) bounds are known for $B\geq 3$. In this work, we study the possibility of proving better security bounds in the sponge setting. To this end, \begin{itemize} \item For $B=1$, we prove an improved $O(S^2T^2/2^{2c}+S/2^c+T/2^c+T^2/2^r)$ bound. Our bound strictly improves the bound by Freitag et al., %Ghoshal and Komargodski, and is optimal for $ST^2\leq 2^c$. %and is optimal up to a factor of $(ST^2/2^c)^{2/3}$ for $ST^2>2^c$. \item For $B=2$, we give a considerably simpler and more modular proof, recovering the bound obtained by Freitag et al. %, Ghoshal and Komargodski. \item We obtain our bounds by adapting the recent multi-instance technique of Akshima, Guo and Liu (CRYPTO 2022) which bypasses limitations of prior techniques in the Merkle-Damg\r ard setting. To complement our results, we provably show that the recent multi-instance technique cannot further improve our bounds for $B=1,2$, and the general %$O(ST^2/2^c+T^2/2^r)$ bound by Correti et al., for $B\geq 3$. \end{itemize} Overall, our results yield the state-of-the-art security bounds for finding short collisions, and fully characterize the power of the multi-instance technique in the sponge setting. \keywords{Collision \and hash functions \and Sponge \and multi-instance \and pre-computation \and auxiliary input}
Quantum Algorithms for Variants of Average-Case Lattice Problems via Filtering 📺
We show polynomial-time quantum algorithms for the following problems: (*) Short integer solution (SIS) problem under the infinity norm, where the public matrix is very wide, the modulus is a polynomially large prime, and the bound of infinity norm is set to be half of the modulus minus a constant. (*) Extrapolated dihedral coset problem (EDCP) with certain parameters. (*) Learning with errors (LWE) problem given LWE-like quantum states with polynomially large moduli and certain error distributions, including bounded uniform distributions and Laplace distributions. We show polynomial-time quantum algorithms for the following problems: (*) Short integer solution (SIS) problem under the infinity norm, where the public matrix is very wide, the modulus is a polynomially large prime, and the bound of infinity norm is set to be half of the modulus minus a constant. (*) Learning with errors (LWE) problem given LWE-like quantum states with polynomially large moduli and certain error distributions, including bounded uniform distributions and Laplace distributions. (*) Extrapolated dihedral coset problem (EDCP) with certain parameters. The SIS, LWE, and EDCP problems in their standard forms are as hard as solving lattice problems in the worst case. However, the variants that we can solve are not in the parameter regimes known to be as hard as solving worst-case lattice problems. Still, no classical or quantum polynomial-time algorithms were known for the variants of SIS and LWE we consider. For EDCP, our quantum algorithm slightly extends the result of Ivanyos et al. (2018). Our algorithms for variants of SIS and EDCP use the existing quantum reductions from those problems to LWE, or more precisely, to the problem of solving LWE given LWE-like quantum states. Our main contribution is solving LWE given LWE-like quantum states with interesting parameters using a filtering technique. We show polynomial-time quantum algorithms for the following problems: (*) Short integer solution (SIS) problem under the infinity norm, where the public matrix is very wide, the modulus is a polynomially large prime, and the bound of infinity norm is set to be half of the modulus minus a constant. (*) Learning with errors (LWE) problem given LWE-like quantum states with polynomially large moduli and certain error distributions, including bounded uniform distributions and Laplace distributions. (*) Extrapolated dihedral coset problem (EDCP) with certain parameters. The SIS, LWE, and EDCP problems in their standard forms are as hard as solving lattice problems in the worst case. However, the variants that we can solve are not in the parameter regimes known to be as hard as solving worst-case lattice problems. Still, no classical or quantum polynomial-time algorithms were known for the variants of SIS and LWE we consider. For EDCP, our quantum algorithm slightly extends the result of Ivanyos et al. (2018). Our algorithms for variants of SIS and EDCP use the existing quantum reductions from those problems to LWE, or more precisely, to the problem of solving LWE given LWE-like quantum states. Our main contribution is solving LWE given LWE-like quantum states with interesting parameters using a filtering technique.
On the Feasibility of Unclonable Encryption and, More 📺
Unclonable encryption, first introduced by Broadbent and Lord (TQC'20), is a one-time encryption scheme with the following security guarantee: any non-local adversary (A, B, C) cannot simultaneously distinguish encryptions of two equal length messages. This notion is termed as unclonable indistinguishability. Prior works focused on achieving a weaker notion of unclonable encryption, where we required that any non-local adversary (A, B, C) cannot simultaneously recover the entire message m. Seemingly innocuous, understanding the feasibility of encryption schemes satisfying unclonable indistinguishability (even for 1-bit messages) has remained elusive. We make progress towards establishing the feasibility of unclonable encryption. (*) We show that encryption schemes satisfying unclonable indistinguishability exist unconditionally in the quantum random oracle model. (*) Towards understanding the necessity of oracles, we present a negative result stipulating that a large class of encryption schemes cannot satisfy unclonable indistinguishability. (*) Finally, we also establish the feasibility of another closely related primitive: copy-protection for single-bit output point functions. Prior works only established the feasibility of copy-protection for multi-bit output point functions or they achieved constant security error for single-bit output point functions.
Time-Space Lower Bounds for Finding Collisions in Merkle-Damgard Hash Functions 📺
Akshima Siyao Guo Qipeng Liu
We revisit the problem of finding B-block-long collisions in Merkle-Damgard Hash Functions in the auxiliary-input random oracle model, in which an attacker gets a piece of S-bit advice about the random oracle and makes T oracle queries. Akshima, Cash, Drucker and Wee (CRYPTO 2020), based on the work of Coretti, Dodis, Guo and Steinberger (EUROCRYPT 2018), showed a simple attack for 2\leq B\leq T (with respect to a random salt). The attack achieves advantage \Tilde{\Omega}(STB/2^n+T^2/2^n) where n is the output length of the random oracle. They conjectured that this attack is optimal. However, this so-called STB conjecture was only proved for B\approx T and B=2. Very recently, Ghoshal and Komargodski (CRYPTO 22) confirmed STB conjecture for all constant values of B, and provided an \Tilde{O}(S^4TB^2/2^n+T^2/2^n) bound for all choices of B. In this work, we prove an \Tilde{O}((STB/2^n)\cdot\max\{1,ST^2/2^n\}+ T^2/2^n) bound for every 2< B < T. Our bound confirms the STB conjecture for ST^2\leq 2^n, and is optimal up to a factor of S for ST^2>2^n (note as T^2 is always at most 2^n, otherwise finding a collision is trivial by the birthday attack). Our result subsumes all previous upper bounds for all ranges of parameters except for B=\Tilde{O}(1) and ST^2>2^n. We obtain our results by adopting and refining the technique of Chung, Guo, Liu, and Qian (FOCS 2020). Our approach yields more modular proofs and sheds light on how to bypass the limitations of prior techniques. Along the way, we obtain a considerably simpler and illuminating proof for B=2, recovering the main result of Akshima, Cash, Drucker and Wee.
Collusion-Resistant Copy-Protection for Watermarkable Functionalities
Copy-protection is the task of encoding a program into a quantum state to prevent illegal duplications. A line of recent works studied copy-protection schemes under "1 -> 2 attacks": the adversary receiving one program copy can not produce two valid copies. However, under most circumstances, vendors need to sell more than one copy of a program and still ensure that no duplicates can be generated. In this work, we initiate the study of collusion-resistant copy-protection in the plain model. Our results are twofold: * For the first time, we show that all major watermarkable functionalities can be copy-protected (including unclonable decryption, digital signatures, and PRFs). Among these, copy-protection of digital signature schemes is not known before. The feasibility of copy-protecting all watermarkable functionalities is an open question raised by Aaronson et al. (CRYPTO' 21) * We make all the above schemes k bounded collusion-resistant for any polynomial k, giving the first bounded collusion-resistant copy-protection for various functionalities in the plain model.
New Approaches for Quantum Copy-Protection 📺
Quantum copy protection uses the unclonability of quantum states to construct quantum software that provably cannot be pirated. Copy protection would be immensely useful, but unfortunately little is known about how to achieve it in general. In this work, we make progress on this goal, by giving the following results: * We show how to copy protect any program that cannot be learned from its input-output behavior, relative to a classical oracle. This improves on Aaronson (CCC 2009), which achieves the same relative to a quantum oracle. By instantiating the oracle with post-quantum candidate obfuscation schemes, we obtain a heuristic construction of copy protection. * We show, roughly, that any program which can be watermarked can be copy detected, a weaker version of copy protection that does not prevent copying, but guarantees that any copying can be detected. Our scheme relies on the security of the assumed watermarking, plus the assumed existence of public key quantum money. Our construction is general, applicable to many recent watermarking schemes.
Hidden Cosets and Applications to Unclonable Cryptography 📺
In 2012, Aaronson and Christiano introduced the idea of hidden subspace states to build public-key quantum money [STOC '12]. Since then, this idea has been applied to realize several other cryptographic primitives which enjoy some form of unclonability. In this work, we propose a generalization of hidden subspace states to hidden coset states. We study different unclonable properties of coset states and several applications: * We show that, assuming indistinguishability obfuscation (iO), hidden coset states possess a certain direct product hardness property, which immediately implies a tokenized signature scheme in the plain model. Previously, a tokenized signature scheme was known only relative to an oracle, from a work of Ben-David and Sattath [QCrypt '17]. * Combining a tokenized signature scheme with extractable witness encryption, we give a construction of an unclonable decryption scheme in the plain model. The latter primitive was recently proposed by Georgiou and Zhandry [ePrint '20], who gave a construction relative to a classical oracle. * We conjecture that coset states satisfy a certain natural monogamy-of-entanglement property. Assuming this conjecture is true, we remove the requirement for extractable witness encryption in our unclonable decryption construction. As potential evidence in support of the conjecture, we prove a weaker version of this monogamy property, which we believe will still be of independent interest. * Finally, we give the first construction of a copy-protection scheme for pseudorandom functions (PRFs) in the plain model. Our scheme is secure either assuming iO and extractable witness encryption, or iO, LWE and the conjectured monogamy property mentioned above. This is the first example of a copy-protection scheme with provable security in the plain model for a class of functions that is not evasive.
Unifying Presampling via Concentration Bounds 📺
Auxiliary-input (AI) idealized models, such as auxiliary-input random oracle model (AI-ROM) and auxiliary-input random permutation model (AI-PRM), play a critical role in assessing non-uniform security of symmetric key and hash function constructions. However, obtaining security bounds in these models is often much more challenging. The presampling technique, introduced by Unruh (CRYPTO' 07), generically reduces security proofs in the auxiliary-input models to much simpler bit-fixing models. This technique has been further optimized by Coretti, Dodis, Guo, Steinberger (EUROCRYPT' 18), and generalized by Coretti, Dodis, Guo (CRYPTO' 18), resulting in powerful tools for proving non-uniform security bounds in various idealized models. We study the possibility of leveraging the presampling technique to the quantum world. To this end, (*) We show that such leveraging will {resolve a major open problem in quantum computing, which is closely related to the famous Aaronson-Ambainis conjecture (ITCS' 11). (*) Faced with this barrier, we give a new but equivalent bit-fixing model and a simple proof of presampling techniques for arbitrary oracle distribution in the classical setting, including AI-ROM and AI-RPM. Our theorem matches the best-known security loss and unifies previous presampling techniques. (*) Finally, we leverage our new classical presampling techniques to a novel ``quantum bit-fixing'' version of presampling. It matches the optimal security loss of the classical presampling. Using our techniques, we give the first post-quantum non-uniform security for salted Merkle-Damgard hash functions and reprove the tight non-uniform security for function inversion by Chung et al. (FOCS' 20).
Decomposable Obfuscation: A Framework for Building Applications of Obfuscation from Polynomial Hardness
Qipeng Liu Mark Zhandry
There is some evidence that indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) requires either exponentially many assumptions or (sub)exponentially hard assumptions, and indeed, all known ways of building obfuscation suffer one of these two limitations. As such, any application built from iO suffers from these limitations as well. However, for most applications, such limitations do not appear to be inherent to the application, just the approach using iO. Indeed, several recent works have shown how to base applications of iO instead on functional encryption (FE), which can in turn be based on the polynomial hardness of just a few assumptions. However, these constructions are quite complicated and recycle a lot of similar techniques. In this work, we unify the results of previous works in the form of a weakened notion of obfuscation, called decomposable obfuscation . We show (1) how to build decomposable obfuscation from functional encryption and (2) how to build a variety of applications from decomposable obfuscation, including all of the applications already known from FE. The construction in (1) hides most of the difficult techniques in the prior work, whereas the constructions in (2) are much closer to the comparatively simple constructions from iO. As such, decomposable obfuscation represents a convenient new platform for obtaining more applications from polynomial hardness.
On Finding Quantum Multi-collisions 📺
Qipeng Liu Mark Zhandry
A k-collision for a compressing hash function H is a set of k distinct inputs that all map to the same output. In this work, we show that for any constant k, $$\varTheta \left( N^{\frac{1}{2}(1-\frac{1}{2^k-1})}\right) $$ quantum queries are both necessary and sufficient to achieve a k-collision with constant probability. This improves on both the best prior upper bound (Hosoyamada et al., ASIACRYPT 2017) and provides the first non-trivial lower bound, completely resolving the problem.
Revisiting Post-quantum Fiat-Shamir 📺
Qipeng Liu Mark Zhandry
The Fiat-Shamir transformation is a useful approach to building non-interactive arguments (of knowledge) in the random oracle model. Unfortunately, existing proof techniques are incapable of proving the security of Fiat-Shamir in the quantum setting. The problem stems from (1) the difficulty of quantum rewinding, and (2) the inability of current techniques to adaptively program random oracles in the quantum setting. In this work, we show how to overcome the limitations above in many settings. In particular, we give mild conditions under which Fiat-Shamir is secure in the quantum setting. As an application, we show that existing lattice signatures based on Fiat-Shamir are secure without any modifications.

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