Georg Sigl
Masked Accelerators and Instruction Set Extensions for Post-Quantum Cryptography
Side-channel attacks can break mathematically secure cryptographic systems leading to a major concern in applied cryptography. While the cryptanalysis and security evaluation of Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) have already received an increasing research effort, a cost analysis of efficient side-channel countermeasures is still lacking. In this work, we propose a masked HW/SW codesign of the NIST PQC finalists Kyber and Saber, suitable for their different characteristics. Among others, we present a novel masked ciphertext compression algorithm for non-power-of-two moduli. To accelerate linear performance bottlenecks, we developed a generic Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) multiplier, which, in contrast to previously published accelerators, is also efficient and suitable for schemes not based on NTT. For the critical non-linear operations, masked HW accelerators were developed, allowing a secure execution using RISC-V instruction set extensions. With the proposed design, we achieved a cycle count of K:214k/E:298k/D:313k for Kyber and K:233k/E:312k/D:351k for Saber with NIST Level III parameter sets. For the same parameter sets, the masking overhead for the first-order secure decapsulation operation including randomness generation is a factor of 4.48 for Kyber (D:1403k)and 2.60 for Saber (D:915k).
On the application of Two-Photon Absorption for Laser Fault Injection attacks: Pushing the physical boundaries for Laser-based Fault Injection
Laser Fault Injection (LFI) is considered to be the most powerful semiinvasive fault injection method for implementation attacks on security devices. In this work we discuss for the first time the application of the nonlinear Two-Photon Absorption (TPA) effect for the purpose of LFI. Though TPA is an established technique in other areas, e.g. fluorescence microscopy, so far it did not receive any attention in the field of physical attack methods on integrated circuits. We show that TPA has several superior properties over the regular linear LFI method. The TPA effect allows to work on non-thinned devices without increasing the induced energy and hence the stress on the device. In contrast to regular LFI, the nonlinearity of the TPA effect leads to increased precision due to the steeper descent in intensity and also a vertically restricted photoelectric effect. By practical experiments, we demonstrate the general applicability of the method for a specific device and that unlike a regular LFI setup, TPA-LFI is capable to inject faults without triggering a latch-up effect. In addition we discuss the possible implications of TPA-LFI on various sensor-based countermeasures.
RISQ-V: Tightly Coupled RISC-V Accelerators for Post-Quantum Cryptography
Empowering electronic devices to support Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) is a challenging task. PQC introduces new mathematical elements and operations which are usually not easy to implement on standard processors. Especially for low cost and resource constraint devices, hardware acceleration is usually required. In addition, as the standardization process of PQC is still ongoing, a focus on maintaining flexibility is mandatory. To cope with such requirements, hardware/software co-design techniques have been recently used for developing complex and highly customized PQC solutions. However, while most of the previous works have developed loosely coupled PQC accelerators, the design of tightly coupled accelerators and Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) extensions for PQC have been barely explored. To this end, we present RISQ-V, an enhanced RISC-V architecture that integrates a set of powerful tightly coupled accelerators to speed up lattice-based PQC. RISQ-V efficiently reuses processor resources and reduces the amount of memory accesses. This significantly increases the performance while keeping the silicon area overhead low. We present three contributions. First, we propose a set of powerful hardware accelerators deeply integrated into the RISC-V pipeline. Second, we extended the RISC-V ISA with 29 new instructions to efficiently perform operations for lattice-based cryptography. Third, we implemented our RISQ-V in ASIC technology and on FPGA. We evaluated the performance of NewHope, Kyber, and Saber on RISQ-V. Compared to the pure software implementation on RISC-V, our co-design implementations show a speedup factor of up to 11.4 for NewHope, 9.6 for Kyber, and 2.7 for Saber. For the ASIC implementation, the energy consumption was reduced by factors of up to 9.5 for NewHope, 7.7 for Kyber, and 2.1 for Saber. The cell count of the CPU was increased by a factor of 1.6 compared to the original RISC-V design, which can be considered as a moderate increase for the achieved performance gain.
Secure Physical Enclosures from Covers with Tamper-Resistance
Ensuring physical security of multiple-chip embedded systems on a PCB is challenging, since the attacker can control the device in a hostile environment. To detect physical intruders as part of a layered approach to security, it is common to create a physical security boundary that is difficult to penetrate or remove, e.g., enclosures created from tamper-respondent envelopes or covers. Their physical integrity is usually checked by active sensing, i.e., a battery-backed circuit continuously monitors the enclosure. However, adoption is often hampered by the disadvantages of a battery and due to specialized equipment which is required to create the enclosure. In contrast, we present a batteryless tamper-resistant cover made from standard flexPCB technology, i.e., a commercially widespread, scalable, and proven technology. The cover comprises a fine mesh of electrodes and an evaluation unit underneath the cover checks their integrity by detecting short and open circuits. Additionally, it measures the capacitances between the electrodes of the mesh. Once its preliminary integrity is confirmed, a cryptographic key is derived from the capacitive measurements representing a PUF, to decrypt and authenticate sensitive data of the enclosed system. We demonstrate the feasibility of our concept, provide details on the layout, electrical properties of the cover, and explain the underlying security architecture. Practical results including statistics over a set of 115 flexPCB covers, physical attacks, and environmental testing support our design rationale. Hence, our work opens up a new direction of counteracting physical tampering without the need of batteries, while aiming at a physical security level comparable to FIPS 140-2 level 3.
Fast FPGA Implementations of Diffie-Hellman on the Kummer Surface of a Genus-2 Curve
We present the first hardware implementations of Diffie-Hellman key exchange based on the Kummer surface of Gaudry and Schost’s genus-2 curve targeting a 128-bit security level. We describe a single-core architecture for lowlatency applications and a multi-core architecture for high-throughput applications. Synthesized on a Xilinx Zynq-7020 FPGA, our architectures perform a key exchange with lower latency and higher throughput than any other reported implementation using prime-field elliptic curves at the same security level. Our single-core architecture performs a scalar multiplication with a latency of 82 microseconds while our multicore architecture achieves a throughput of 91,226 scalar multiplications per second. When compared to similar implementations of Microsoft’s Fourℚ on the same FPGA, this translates to an improvement of 48% in latency and 40% in throughput for the single-core and multi-core architecture, respectively. Both our designs exhibit constant-time execution to thwart timing attacks, use the Montgomery ladder for improved resistance against SPA, and support a countermeasure against fault attacks.
How to Break Secure Boot on FPGA SoCs Through Malicious Hardware
Embedded IoT devices are often built upon large system on chip computing platforms running a significant stack of software. For certain computation-intensive operations such as signal processing or encryption and authentication of large data, chips with integrated FPGAs, FPGA SoCs, which provide high performance through configurable hardware designs, are used. In this contribution, we demonstrate how an FPGA hardware design can compromise the important secure boot process of the main software system to boot from a malicious network source instead of an authentic signed kernel image. This significant and new threat arises from the fact that the CPU and FPGA are connected to the same memory bus, so that FPGA hardware designs can interfere with secure boot routines on FPGA SoCs that are without any interruption on regular SoCs. An enabling factor is that integrated hardware designs are likely bought from external partners and there is a realistic lack of security review at the system integrators. This facilitates flaws or even unwanted functionality in such hardware designs. We perform a proof of concept on a Xilinx Zynq-7000 FPGA SoC, and the threat can be generalized to other devices. We also present as effective mitigation, an easy-to-review and re-usable wrapper module which prevents any unauthorized memory access by included hardware designs.
Program Committees
- CHES 2025
- CHES 2024
- CHES 2023
- CHES 2022
- Reinhard (1)
- Andreas Duensing (1)
- Tim Fritzmann (2)
- Johann Heyszl (2)
- Vincent Immler (1)
- Nisha Jacob (1)
- Patrick Karl (1)
- Fei Xiang Ke (1)
- Philipp Koppermann (1)
- JinYu Lee (1)
- Yak Peng Lim (1)
- Michael Mittermair (1)
- Kuan Kuan Ng (1)
- Johannes Obermaier (1)
- Wei Koon Oh (1)
- Maximilian Pollanka (1)
- Carsten Rolfes (1)
- Debapriya Basu Roy (1)
- Fabrizio De Santis (1)
- Thomas Schamberger (1)
- Bodo Selmke (1)
- Johanna Sepulveda (1)
- Georg Sigl (6)
- Emanuele Strieder (1)
- Michiel Van Beirendonck (1)
- Ingrid Verbauwhede (1)
- Keng Hoong Wee (1)
- Hayden Wen (1)
- Andreas Zankl (1)