International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Thibauld Feneuil


Dual Support Decomposition in the Head: Shorter Signatures from Rank SD and MinRank
The MPC-in-the-Head (MPCitH) paradigm is widely used for building post-quantum signature schemes, as it provides a versatile way to design proofs of knowledge based on hard problems. Over the years, the MPCitH landscape has changed significantly, with the most recent improvements coming from VOLE-in-the-Head (VOLEitH) and Threshold-Computation-in-the-Head (TCitH). While a straightforward application of these frameworks already improve the existing MPCitH-based signatures, we show in this work that we can adapt the arithmetic constraints representing the underlying security assumptions (here called the modeling) to achieve smaller sizes using these new techniques. More precisely, we explore existing modelings for the rank syndrome decoding (RSD) and MinRank problems and we introduce a new modeling, named dual support decomposition, which achieves better sizes with the VOLEitH and TCitH frameworks by minimizing the size of the witnesses. While this modeling is naturally more efficient than the other ones for a large set of parameters, we show that it is possible to go even further and explore new areas of parameters. With these new modeling and parameters, we obtain low-size witnesses which drastically reduces the size of the ``arithmetic part'' of the signature. We apply our new modeling to both TCitH and VOLEitH frameworks and compare our results to RYDE, MiRitH, and MIRA signature schemes. We also note that recent techniques optimizing the sizes of GGM trees are applicable to our schemes and further reduce the signature sizes by a few hundred bytes. We obtain signature sizes below 3.5 kB for 128 bits of security with N=256 parties (a.k.a. leaves in the GGM trees) and going as low as 2.8 kB with N=2048, for both RSD and MinRank. This represents an improvement of more than 2\:kB compared to the original submissions to the 2023 NIST call for additional signatures.
Threshold Linear Secret Sharing to the Rescue of MPC-in-the-Head
Thibauld Feneuil Matthieu Rivain
The MPC-in-the-Head paradigm is a popular framework to build zero-knowledge proof systems using techniques from secure multi-party computation (MPC). While this paradigm is not restricted to a particular secret sharing scheme, all the efficient instantiations for small circuits proposed so far rely on additive secret sharing. In this work, we show how applying a threshold linear secret sharing scheme (threshold LSSS) can be beneficial to the MPC-in-the-Head paradigm. For a general passively-secure MPC protocol model capturing most of the existing MPCitH schemes, we show that our approach improves the soundness of the underlying proof system from 1/N down to 1/binomial(N,\ell), where N is the number of parties and \ell is the privacy threshold of the sharing scheme. While very general, our technique is limited to a number of parties N <= |\F|, where \F is the field underlying the statement, because of the MDS conjecture. Applying our approach with a low-threshold LSSS also boosts the performance of the proof system by making the MPC emulation cost independent of N for both the prover and the verifier. The gain is particularly significant for the verification time which becomes logarithmic in N (while the prover still has to generate and commit the N input shares). We further generalize and improve our framework: we show how linearly-homomorphic commitments can get rid of the linear complexity of the prover, we generalize our result to any quasi-threshold LSSS, and we describe an efficient batching technique relying on Shamir's secret sharing. We finally apply our techniques to specific use-cases. We first propose a variant of the recent SDitH signature scheme achieving new interesting trade-offs. In particular, for a signature size of 10 KB, we obtain a verification time lower than 0.5 ms, which is competitive with SPHINCS+, while achieving much faster signing. We further apply our batching technique to two different contexts: batched SDitH proofs and batched proofs for general arithmetic circuits based on the Limbo proof system. In both cases, we obtain an amortized proof size lower than 1/10 of the baseline scheme when batching a few dozen statements, while the amortized performances are also significantly improved.
Syndrome Decoding in the Head: Shorter Signatures from Zero-Knowledge Proofs 📺
Thibauld Feneuil Antoine Joux Matthieu Rivain
Zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge are useful tools to design signature schemes. The ongoing effort to build a quantum computer motivates the cryptography community to develop new secure cryptographic protocols based on quantum-hard cryptographic problems. One of the few directions is code-based cryptography for which the strongest problem is the syndrome decoding (SD) for random linear codes. This problem is known to be NP-hard and the cryptanalysis state of the art has been stable for many years. A zero-knowledge protocol for this problem was pioneered by Stern in 1993. Since its publication, many articles proposed optimizations, implementation, or variants. In this paper, we introduce a new zero-knowledge proof for the syndrome decoding problem on random linear codes. Instead of using permutations like most of the existing protocols, we rely on the MPC-in-the-head paradigm in which we reduce the task of proving the low Hamming weight of the SD solution to proving some relations between specific polynomials. We propose a 5-round zero-knowledge protocol that proves the knowledge of a vector x such that y=Hx and \wt(x) <= w and which achieves a soundness error closed to 1/N for an arbitrary N. While turning this protocol into a signature scheme, we achieve a signature size of 11-12 KB for a 128-bit security when relying on the hardness of the SD problem on binary fields. Using bigger fields (like \F_{2^8}), we can produce fast signatures of around 8 KB. This allows us to outperform Picnic3 and to be competitive with SPHINCS+, both post-quantum signature candidates in the ongoing NIST standardization effort. Moreover, our scheme outperforms all the existing code-based signature schemes for the common ``signature size + public key size'' metric.
Zero-Knowledge Protocols for the Subset Sum Problem from MPC-in-the-Head with Rejection 📺
We propose (honest verifier) zero-knowledge arguments for the modular subset sum problem. Previous combinatorial approaches, notably one due to Shamir, yield arguments with cubic communication complexity (in the security parameter). More recent methods, based on the MPC-in-the-head technique, also produce arguments with cubic communication complexity. We improve this approach by using a secret-sharing over small integers (rather than modulo q) to reduce the size of the arguments and remove the prime modulus restriction. Since this sharing may reveal information on the secret subset, we introduce the idea of rejection to the MPC-in-the-head paradigm. Special care has to be taken to balance completeness and soundness and preserve zero-knowledge of our arguments. We combine this idea with two techniques to prove that the secret vector (which selects the subset) is well made of binary coordinates. Our new protocols achieve an asymptotic improvement by producing arguments of quadratic size. This improvement is also practical: for a 256-bit modulus q, the best variant of our protocols yields 13KB arguments while previous proposals gave 1180KB arguments, for the best general protocol, and 122KB, for the best protocol restricted to prime modulus. Our techniques can also be applied to vectorial variants of the subset sum problem and in particular the inhomogeneous short integer solution (ISIS) problem for which they provide an efficient alternative to state-of-the-art protocols when the underlying ring is not small and NTT-friendly. We also show the application of our protocol to build efficient zero-knowledge arguments of plaintext and/or key knowledge in the context of fully-homomorphic encryption. When applied to the TFHE scheme, the obtained arguments are more than 20 times smaller than those obtained with previous protocols. Eventually, we use our technique to construct an efficient digital signature scheme based on a pseudo-random function due to Boneh, Halevi, and Howgrave-Graham.