International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Nicholas Brandt


Lower Bounds for Levin–Kolmogorov Complexity
Nicholas Brandt
The hardness of Kolmogorov complexity is intricately connected to the existence of oneway functions and derandomization. An important and elegant notion is Levin’s version of Kolmogorov complexity, Kt, and its decisional variant, MKtP. The question whether MKtP can be computed in polynomial time is particularly interesting because it is not subject to known technical barriers such as algebrization or natural proofs that would explain the lack of a proof for MKtP ∉ P. We take a major step towards proving MKtP ∉ P by developing a novel yet simple diagonalization technique to show unconditionally that MKtP ∉ DTIME[O(n)], i.e., no deterministic algorithm can solve MKtP on every instance. This allows us to affirm a conjecture by Ren and Santhanam [STACS22] about a non-halting variant of Kt complexity. Additionally, we give conditional lower bounds for MKtP that tolerate either more runtime or one-sided error.
The Price of Verifiability: Lower Bounds for Verifiable Random Functions
Verifiable random functions (VRFs) are a useful extension of pseudorandom functions for which it is possible to generate a proof that a certain image is indeed the correct function value (relative to a public verification key). Due to their strong soundness requirements on such proofs, VRFs are notoriously hard to construct, and existing constructions suffer either from complex proofs (for function images), or rely on complex and non-standard assumptions. In this work, we attempt to explain this phenomenon. We show that for a large class of pairing-based VRFs, it is not possible to obtain short proofs and a reduction to a simple assumption simultaneously. Since the class of "consecutively verifiable" VRFs we consider contains in particular the VRF of Lysyanskaya and that of Dodis-Yampolskiy, our results explain the large proof size, resp. the complex assumption of these VRFs.