International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Kamil Doruk Gur


Verifiable Oblivious Pseudorandom Functions from Lattices: Practical-ish and Thresholdisable
Kamil Doruk Gur Martin R. Albrecht
We revisit the lattice-based verifiable oblivious PRF construction from PKC’21 and remove or mitigate its central three sources of inefficiency. First, applying R´enyi divergence arguments, we eliminate one superpolynomial factor from the ciphertext modulus q, allowing us to reduce the overall bandwidth consumed by RLWE samples by about a factor of four. This necessitates us introducing intermediate unpredictability notions to argue PRF security of the final output in the Random Oracle model. Second, we remove the reliance on the 1D-SIS assumption, which reduces another superpolynomial factor, albeit to a factor that is still superpolynomial. Third, by applying the state-of-the-art in zero-knowledge proofs for lattice statements, we achieve a reduction in bandwidth of several orders of magnitude for this material. Finally, we give a t-out-of-n threshold variant of the VOPRF for constant t and with trusted setup, based on a n-out-of-n distributed variant of the VOPRF (and without trusted setup).