International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Dustin Kasser


An Improvement Upon the Bounds for the Local Leakage Resiliance of Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme
Dustin Kasser
Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme allows for the distribution of information amongst n parties so that any t of them can combine their information to recover the secret. By design, it is secure against the total corruption of (t-1) parties, but open questions remain around its security against side-channel attacks, where an adversary may obtain a small amount of information about each of the n party's shares. An initial result by Benhamouda, Degwekar, Ishai and Rabin showed that if n is sufficiently large and t \geq 0.907n, then the scheme was secure under one bit of local leakage. These bounds continued to be improved in following works, and most recently Klein and Komargodski introduced a proof using a new analytical proxy that showed leakage resilience for t \geq 0.69n. In this paper we will use the analytic proxy of Klein and Komargodski to show leakage resilience for t \geq 0.668. We do this by introducing two new bounds on the proxy. The first uses a result from additive combinatorics to improve their original bound on the proxy. The second is an averaging argument that exploits the rarity of worst-case bounds occurring.


Dustin Kasser (1)