Adrien Dubois
Lattice-based Proof-Friendly Signatures from Vanishing Short Integer Solutions
Efficient anonymous credentials are typically constructed by combining proof-friendly signature schemes with compatible zero-knowledge proof systems. Inspired by pairing-based proof-friendly signatures such as Boneh- Boyen (BB) and Boneh-Boyen-Shacham (BBS), we propose a wide family of lattice-based proof-friendly signatures based on variants of the vanishing short integer solution (vSIS) assumption [Cini-Lai-Malavolta, Crypto'23]. In particular, we obtain natural lattice-based adaptions of BB and BBS which, similar to their pairing-based counterparts, admit nice algebraic properties.
[Bootle-Lyubashevsky-Nguyen-Sorniotti, Crypto'23] (BLNS) recently proposed a framework for constructing lattice-based proof-friendly signatures and anonymous credentials, based on another new lattice assumption called ISIS_f parametrised by a fixed function f, with focus on f being the binary decomposition. We introduce a generalised ISIS_f framework, called GenISIS_f, with a keyed and probabilistic function f. For example, picking $f_b(\mu) = 1/(b-\mu)$ with key $b$ for short ring element $\mu$ leads to algebraic and thus proof-friendly signatures. To better gauge the robustness and proof-friendliness of (Gen)ISIS_f, we consider what happens when the inputs to f are chosen selectively (or even adaptively) by the adversary, and the behaviour under relaxed norm checks. While bit decomposition quickly becomes insecure, our proposed function families seem robust.
- Adrien Dubois (1)
- Michael Klooß (1)
- Russell W. F. Lai (1)
- Ivy K. Y. Woo (1)