International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Papers from PKC 2025

A Framework for Group Action-Based Multi-Signatures and Applications to LESS, MEDS, and ALTEQ
A multi-signature scheme allows a list of signers to sign a common message. They are widely used in scenarios where the same message must be signed and transmitted by $N$ users, and, instead of concatenating $N$ individual signatures, employing a multi-signature can reduce the data to be sent. In recent years there have been numerous practical proposals in the discrete logarithm setting, such as MuSig2 (CRYPTO'21) for the Schnorr signature. Recently, these attempts have been extended to post-quantum assumptions, with lattice-based proposals such as MuSig-L (CRYPTO'22). Given the growth of group action-based signatures, a natural question is whether a multi-signature can be built on the same models. In this work, we present the first construction of such a primitive relying on group action assumptions. We obtain a 3-round scheme achieving concurrent security in the ROM. Moreover, we instantiate it using the three candidates to the additional post-quantum NIST's call, namely LESS, MEDS and ALTEQ, obtaining a good compression rate for different parameters sets.
Accountable Multi-Signatures with Constant Size Public Keys
A multisignature scheme is used to aggregate signatures by multiple parties on a common message m into a single short signature on m. Multisignatures are used widely in practice, most notably, in proof-of-stake consensus protocols. In existing multisignature schemes, the verifier needs the public keys of all the signers in order to verify a multisignature issued by some subset of signers. We construct new practical multisignature schemes with three properties: (i) the verifier only needs to store a constant size public key in order to verify a multisignature by an arbitrary subset of parties, (ii) signature size is constant beyond the description of the signing set, and (iii) signers generate their secret signing keys locally, that is, without a distributed key generation protocol. Existing schemes satisfy properties (ii) and (iii). The new capability is property (i) which dramatically reduces the verifier's memory requirements from linear in the number of signers to constant. We give two pairing-based constructions: one in the random oracle model and one in the plain model. We also show that by relaxing property (iii), that is, allowing for a simple distributed key generation protocol, we can further improve efficiency while continuing to satisfy properties (i) and (ii). We give a pairing-based scheme and a lattice-based scheme in this relaxed model. Our pairing based constructions are closely related to a multisignature scheme due to Boneh, Drijvers, and Neven (Asiacrypt 2018), but with several key differences.
Adaptively Secure IBE from Lattices with Asymptotically Better Efficiency
Current adaptively secure identity-based encryption (IBE) constructions from lattices are unable to achieve a good balance among the master public key size, secret key size, modulus and reduction loss. All existing IBE schemes are subject to a quadratic restriction of modulus on the trapdoor norm, which harshly increases the modulus. In this work, we remove this restriction and present a new adaptively secure IBE scheme from lattices in the standard model, which improves the state-of-the-art construction proposed by Abla et al. (TCC 2021) and achieves asymptotically better efficiency. More precisely, we achieve the asymptotically minimum number of public vectors among all the previous schemes and a tight security reduction, together with a significantly smaller modulus compared to the scheme by Abla et al. (TCC 2021). Furthermore, our scheme enjoys the smallest Gaussian width of the secret key among all existing schemes. We propose a novel cross-multiplication design for our IBE scheme and several novel tools/techniques including: a) homomorphic computation outputting BGG+-style encoding with two distinct-norm trapdoors; b) sampling algorithm with hybrid Gaussian outputs; c) partial rerandomization. These new tools and techniques are general and could find rich applications in lattice-based cryptography.
Adaptively-Secure Big-Key Identity-Based Encryption
Key-exfiltration attacks on cryptographic keys represent a significant threat to computer security. One proposed defense against such attacks is big-key cryptography which seeks to make cryptographic secrets so large that it is infeasible for an adversary to exfiltrate the key (without being detected). However, this also introduces an inconvenience to the user who must now store the large key on all of their different devices. The work of Döttling, Garg, Sekar and Wang (TCC 2022) introduces an elegant solution to this problem in the form of big-key identity-based encryption (IBE). Here, there is a large master secret key, but very short identity keys. The user can now store the large master secret key as her long-term key, and can provision each of her devices with short ephemeral identity keys (say, corresponding to the current date). In this way, the long-term secret key is protected by conventional big-key cryptography, while the user only needs to distribute short ephemeral keys to their different devices. Döttling et al. introduce and construct big-key IBE from standard pairing-based assumptions. However, their scheme only satisfies selective security where the adversary has to declare its challenge set of identities at the beginning of the security game. The more natural notion of security is adaptive security where the user can adaptively choose which identities it wants to challenge after seeing the public parameters (and part of the master secret key). In this work, we give the first adaptively-secure construction of big-key IBE from standard cryptographic assumptions. Our first construction relies on indistinguishability obfuscation (and one-way functions), while our second construction relies on witness encryption for NP together with standard pairing-based assumptions. To prove adaptive security, we rely on the dual-system methodology.
Bootstrapping with RMFE for Fully Homomorphic Encryption
There is a heavy preference towards instantiating BGV and BFV homomorphic encryption schemes where the cyclotomic order m is a power of two, as this admits highly efficient fast Fourier transformations. Field Instruction Multiple Data (FIMD) was introduced to increase packing capacity in the case of small primes and improve amortised performance, using reverse multiplication-friendly embeddings (RMFEs) to encode more data into each SIMD slot. However, FIMD currently does not admit bootstrapping. In this work, we achieve bootstrapping for RMFE-packed ciphertexts with low capacity loss. We first adapt the digit extraction algorithm to work over RMFE-packed ciphertexts, by applying the recode map after every evaluation of the lifting polynomial. This allows us to follow the blueprint of thin bootstrapping, performing digit extraction on a single ciphertext. To achieve the low capacity loss, we introduce correction maps to the Halevi-Shoup digit extraction algorithm, to remove all but the final recode of RMFE digit extraction. We implement several workflows for bootstrapping RMFE-packed ciphertexts in HElib, and benchmark them against thin bootstrapping for m=32768. Our experiments show that the basic strategy of recoding multiple times in digit extraction yield better data packing, but result in very low remaining capacity and latencies of up to hundreds of seconds. On the other hand, using correction maps gives up to 6 additional multiplicative depth and brings latencies often below 10 seconds, at the cost of lower packing capacity.
BUFFing Threshold Signature Schemes
We explore advanced security notions for threshold signature schemes, focusing on Beyond UnForgeability Features (BUFF), introduced by Cremers et al. (S&P’21) in the non-threshold setting. The BUFF properties protect against attacks based on maliciously chosen keys, e.g., expropriating a message-signature pair under a new public key (called exclusive ownership). We first formalize these notions in the threshold setting and examine their relationships. Notably, unlike regular signature schemes, the hierarchy of variants of exclusive ownership notions only holds for threshold schemes if they are also robust. We then present a generic compiler that transforms any threshold signature scheme to satisfy exclusive ownership, and message-bound signature properties with minimal overhead. Furthermore, we modify the threshold BLS signature scheme to achieve these additional properties without increasing signature size. Lastly, we identify specific structures in threshold signature schemes where BUFF properties can be naturally extended from the underlying standard signature scheme, and we analyze and prove the security properties in some of the existing threshold schemes.
Chosen Ciphertext Security via BARGs
In this paper, we show a new set of cryptographic primitives that generically leads to chosen ciphertext secure (CCA secure) public-key encryption (PKE). Specifically, we show how a (non-interactive, publicly verifiable) batch argument (BARG) for NP can be combined with a chosen plaintext secure (CPA secure) PKE scheme to achieve a CCA secure one. The requirement of the succinctness of the proof size of a BARG used as a building block is arguably very mild: We require it to be only at most $(1 - \frac{1}{p(\lambda, n)}) \cdot k + q(\lambda, n) \cdot k^{\epsilon}$ for some non-negative constant $\epsilon < 1$ and polynomials $p, q$, where $\lambda$ denotes the security parameter, $n$ denotes the statement size, and $k$ denotes the batch size (i.e. the number of statements whose correctness is simultaneously proved), and thus it can even be (slightly) linear in $k$. A BARG with such succinctness is so weak that it cannot be used in the recent constructions of a non-interactive zero-knowledge proof system for NP based on a BARG (and a one-way function) by Bitansky et al. (STOC 2024) and Bradley, Waters, and Wu (TCC 2024). Therefore, our result gives a new building block that can upgrade CPA security into CCA security.
Commit-and-Prove System for Vectors and Applications to Threshold Signing
Multi-signatures allow to combine several individual signatures into a compact one and verify it against a short aggregated key. Compared to threshold signatures, multi-signatures enjoy non-interactive key generation but give up on the threshold-setting. Recent works by Das et al. (CCS'23) and Garg et al. (S&P'24) show how multi-signatures can be turned into schemes that enable efficient verification when an ad hoc threshold -- determined only at verification -- is satisfied. This allows to keep the simple key generation of multi-signatures and support flexible threshold settings in the signing process later on. Both works use the same idea of combining BLS multi-signatures with inner-product proofs over committed keys. Das et al. give a somewhat generic proof from both building blocks, which we show to be flawed, whereas Garg et al. give a direct proof for the combined construction in the algebraic group model. In this work, we identify the common blueprint used in both works and abstract the proof-based approach through the building block of a commit-and-prove system for vectors (CP). We formally define a flexible set of security properties for the CP system and show how it can be securely combined with a multi-signature to yield a signature with ad hoc thresholds. Our scheme also lifts the threshold signatures into the multiverse setting recently introduced by Baird et al. (S&P'23), which allows signers to re-use their long-term keys across several groups. The challenge in the generic construction is to express -- and realize -- the combination of homomorphic proofs and commitments (needed to realize flexible thresholds over fixed group keys) and their simulation extractability (needed in the threshold signature security proof). We finally show that a CP instantiation closely following the ideas of Das et al. can be proven secure, but requires a new flexible-base DL-assumption to do so.
Dazzle: Improved Adaptive Threshold Signatures from DDH
The adaptive security of threshold signatures considers an adversary that adaptively corrupts users to learn their secret key shares and states. Crites, Komlo, and Maller (Crypto 2023) proposed Sparkle, the first adaptively secure threshold signature scheme in the pairing-free discrete-log setting, but it requires the algebraic group model (AGM) and is based on an interactive assumption. Bacho, Loss, Tessaro, Wagner, and Zhu (Eurocrypt 2024) proposed Twinkle, whose adaptive security can be proved based on the standard DDH assumption without the AGM. We propose Dazzle and Dazzle-T, adaptively secure threshold signature schemes based on DDH without the AGM, the same assumption and model as Twinkle. Our schemes improve upon Twinkle in signature size, round complexity, and/or security tightness. In particular, Dazzle and Dazzle-T both have signatures that are shorter than Twinkle by one group element. Regarding the round complexity and tightness, Twinkle is three-round and non-tight. Dazzle is two-round and has the same security loss as Twinkle. Dazzle-T is three-round and fully tight. We achieve our improvements by optimizing the underlying single-party signature scheme and showing that the single-party scheme can be transformed to a threshold scheme by a simpler transformation than that of Twinkle.
Deny Whatever You Want: Dual-Deniable Public-Key Encryption
We introduce an enhanced requirement of deniable public key encryption that we call dual-deniability. It asks that a sender who is coerced should be able to produce fake randomness, which can explain the target ciphertext as the encryption of any alternative message under any valid key she/he desires to deny. Compared with the original notion of deniability (Canetti et al. in CRYPTO ’97, hereafter named message-deniability), this term further provides a shield for the anonymity of the receiver against coercion attacks. We first give a formal definition of dual-deniability, along with its weak-mode variant. For conceptual understanding, we then show dual-deniability implies semantic security and anonymity against CPA, separates full robustness, and even contradicts key-less or mixed robustness, while is (constructively) implied by key-deniability and full robustness with a minor assumption for bits encryption. As for the availability of dual-deniability, our main scheme is a generic approach from ciphertext-simulatable PKE, where we devise a subtle multi-encryption schema to hide the true message within random masking ciphertexts under plan-ahead setting. Further, we leverage the weak model to present a more efficient scheme having negligible detection probability and constant ciphertext size. Besides, we revisit the notable scheme (Sahai and Waters in STOC ’14) and show it is inherently dual-deniable. Finally, we extend the Boneh-Katz transform to capture CCA security, deriving dual-deniable and CCA-secure PKE from any selectively dual-deniable IBE under multi-TA setting. Overall our work mounts the feasibility of anonymous messaging against coercion attacks.
Discrete Gaussians Modulo Sub-Lattices: New Leftover Hash Lemmas for Discrete Gaussians
The Leftover Hash Lemma (LHL) is a powerful tool for extracting randomness from an entropic distribution, with numerous applications in cryptography. LHLs for discrete Gaussians have been explored in both integer settings by Gentry et al. (GPV, STOC'08) and algebraic ring settings by Lyubashevsky et al. (LPR, Eurocrypt'13). However, the existing LHLs for discrete Gaussians have two main limitations: they require the Gaussian parameter to be larger than certain smoothing parameters, and they cannot handle cases where fixed and arbitrary information is leaked. In this work, we present new LHLs for discrete Gaussians in both integer and ring settings. Our results show that the Gaussian parameter can be improved by a factor of $\omega(\sqrt{\log\lambda})$ and $O(\sqrt{N})$ compared to the regularity lemmas of GPV and LPR, respectively, under similar parameter choices such as the dimension and ring. Furthermore, our new LHLs can be applied to leaked discrete Gaussians, and the result can be used to establish asymptotic hardness of the extended MLWE assumptions, addressing an open question in recent works by Lyubashevsky et al. (LNP, Crypto'22). Our central techniques involve new fine-grained analyses of the min-entropy in discrete Gaussians modulo sublattices and should be of interest.
Dynamic Decentralized Functional Encryption: Generic Constructions with Strong Security
Dynamic Decentralized Functional Encryption (DDFE) is a generalization of Functional Encryption which allows multiple users to join the system dynamically without interaction and without relying on a trusted third party. Users can independently encrypt their inputs for a joint evaluation under functions embedded in functional decryption keys; and they keep control on these functions as they all have to contribute to the generation of the functional keys. In this work, we present new generic compilers which, when instantiated with existing schemes from the literature, improve over the state-of-the-art in terms of security, computational assumptions and functionality. Specifically, we obtain the first adaptively secure DDFE schemes for inner products in both the standard and the stronger function-hiding setting which guarantees privacy not only for messages but also for the evaluated functions. Furthermore, we present the first DDFE for inner products whose security can be proven under the LWE assumption in the standard model. Finally, we give the first construction of a DDFE for the attribute-weighted sums functionality with attribute-based access control (with some limitations). All prior constructions guarantee only selective security, rely on group-based assumptions on pairings, and cannot provide access control.
Dynamic Decentralized Functional Encryptions from Pairings in the Standard Model
Dynamic Decentralized Functional Encryption (DDFE), introduced by Chotard et al. (CRYPTO'20), represents a robust generalization of (Multi-Client) Functional Encryption. It allows users to dynamically join and contribute private inputs to individually controlled joint functions without requiring a trusted authority. Recently, Shi and Vanjani (PKC'23) proposed the first Multi-Client Functional Encryption scheme for function-hiding inner products (FH-IP) without relying on random oracles. Unfortunately, their construction still requires a trusted key authority, leaving open the question of whether a full-fledged FH-IP-DDFE can exist in the standard model. In this work, we answer this question affirmatively by introducing Updatable Pseudorandom Zero Sharing, a novel concept that provides both the critical functionality and security properties needed to construct secure DDFE schemes in the standard model. Our second contribution is a novel proof strategy, which preserves adaptive security when transforming any functional encryption scheme for FH-IP into FH-IP-DDFE. Together, these two techniques enable a modular construction of FH-IP-DDFE that is secure against adaptive message and key queries in the standard model. Additionally, our pseudorandom zero-sharing scheme is highly versatile, enabling the first DDFE for attribute-weighted sums in the standard model, complementing the recent ROM-based construction by Agrawal et al. (CRYPTO'23).
Efficient Permutation Correlations and Batched Random Access for Two-Party Computation
In this work we formalize the notion of a two-party permutation correlation $(A, B), (C, \pi)$ s.t. $\pi(A)=B+C$ for a random permutation $\pi$ of $n$ elements and vectors $A,B,C\in \mathbb{F}^n$. This correlation can be viewed as an abstraction and generalization of the Chase et al. (Asiacrypt 2020) share translation protocol. We give a systematization of knowledge for how such a permutation correlation can be derandomized to allow the parties to perform a wide range of oblivious permutations of secret-shared data. This systematization immediately enables the translation of various popular honest-majority protocols to be efficiently instantiated in the two-party setting, e.g. collaborative filtering, sorting, database joins, graph algorithms, and many more. We give two novel protocols for efficiently generating a random permutation correlation. The first uses MPC-friendly PRFs to generate a correlation of $n$ elements, each of size $\ell=\log|\mathbb{F}|$ bits, with $O(n\ell)$ bit-OTs, time, communication, and only 3 rounds including setup. Similar asymptotics previously required relatively expensive public-key cryptography, e.g. Paillier or LWE. Our protocol implementation for $n=2^{20}, \ell=128$ requires just 7 seconds \& $\approx2\ell n$ bits of communication, a respective 40 \& $1.1\times$ improvement on the LWE solution of Juvekar at al. (CCS 2018). The second protocol is based on pseudo-random correlation generators and achieves an overhead that is \emph{sublinear} in the string length $\ell$, i.e. the communication and number of OTs is $O(n\log \ell)$. The overhead of the latter protocol has larger hidden constants, and therefore is more efficient only when long strings are permuted, e.g. in graph algorithms. Finally, we present a suite of highly efficient protocols based on permutations for performing various batched random access operations. These include the ability to extract a hidden subset of a secret-shared list. More generally, we give ORAM-like protocols for obliviously reading and writing from a list in a batched manner. We argue that this suite of batched random access protocols should be a first class primitive in the MPC practitioner's toolbox.
Efficient Verifiable Mixnets from Lattices, Revisited
Mixnets are powerful building blocks for providing anonymity in applications like electronic voting and anonymous messaging. The encryption schemes upon which traditional mixnets are built, as well as the zero-knowledge proofs used to provide verifiability, will, however, soon become insecure once a cryptographically-relevant quantum computer is built. In this work, we construct the most compact verifiable mixnet that achieves privacy and verifiability through encryption and zero-knowledge proofs based on the hardness of lattice problems, which are believed to be quantum-safe. A core component of verifiable mixnets is a proof of shuffle. The starting point for our construction is the proof of shuffle of Aranha et al. (CT-RSA 2021). We first identify an issue with the soundness proof in that work, which is also present in the adaptation of this proof in the mixnets of Aranha et al. (ACM CCS 2023) and Hough et al. (IACR CiC 2025). The issue is that one cannot directly adapt classical proofs of shuffle to the lattice setting due to the splitting structure of the rings used in lattice-based cryptography. This is not just an artifact of the proof, but a problem that manifests itself in practice, and we successfully mount an attack against the implementation of the first of the mixnets. We fix the problem and introduce a general approach for proving shuffles in splitting rings that can be of independent interest. The efficiency improvement of our mixnet over prior work is achieved by switching from re-encryption mixnets (as in the works of Aranha et al. and Hough et al.) to decryption mixnets with very efficient layering based on the hardness of the LWE and LWR problems over polynomial rings. The ciphertexts in our scheme are smaller by approximately a factor of 10X and 2X over the aforementioned instantiations, while the linear-size zero-knowledge proofs are smaller by a factor of 4X and 2X.
Faster SCALLOP from Non-Prime Conductor Suborders in Medium Sized Quadratic Fields
A crucial ingredient for many cryptographic primitives such as key exchange protocols and advanced signature schemes is a commutative group action where the structure of the underlying group can be computed efficiently. SCALLOP provides such a group action, based on oriented supersingular elliptic curves. We present PEARL-SCALLOP, a variant of SCALLOP that changes several parameter and design choices, thereby improving on both efficiency and security and enabling feasible parameter generation for larger security levels. Within the SCALLOP framework, our parameters are essentially optimal; the orientation is provided by a $2^e$-isogeny, where $2^e$ is roughly equal to the discriminant of the acting class group. As an important subroutine we present a practical algorithm for generating oriented supersingular elliptic curves. To demonstrate our improvements, we provide a proof-of-concept implementation which instantiates PEARL-SCALLOP at all relevant security levels. Our timings are more than an order of magnitude faster than any previous implementation.
Finally! A Compact Lattice-Based Threshold Signature
Threshold signatures improve upon digital signatures by splitting the trust and robustness among multiple parties. In a (T, N) threshold signature any set of T parties can produce a signature but no set of less than T users can do so. Many such constructions are now available in the pre-quantum setting but post-quantum threshold schemes are still running heavy, with the state-of-the-art boasting signature sizes that are still an order of magnitude larger than post-quantum digital signatures. We propose a novel very efficient threshold signature scheme, with a signature size close to that of a single Dilithium signature for any threshold T of at most 8 users. Our construction reduces to well-studied problems (MLWE and SelfTargetMSIS) and does not need any heavy machinery, essentially consisting in just T parallel executions of the Dilithium signature scheme. Though the resulting scheme is remarkably simple, many technical difficulties, such as sharing a secret in small shares, or simulating rejecting transcripts, have kept such an efficient threshold signature out of reach until now.
Finding a polytope: A practical fault attack against Dilithium
In Dilithium, the rejection sampling step is crucial for the proof of security and correctness of the scheme. However, to our knowledge, there is no attack in the literature that takes advantage of an attacker knowing rejected signatures. The aim of this paper is to create a practical black-box attack against Dilithium with a weakened rejection sampling. We succeed in showing that an adversary with enough rejected signatures can recover Dilithium's secret key in less than half an hour on a desktop computer. There is one possible application for this result: by physically preventing one of the rejection sampling tests from happening, we obtain two fault attacks against Dilithium.
Higher Residuosity Attacks on Small RSA Subgroup Decision Problems
Secure two-party comparison, known as Yao's millionaires' problem, has been a fundamental challenge in privacy-preserving computation. It enables two parties to compare their inputs without revealing the exact values of those inputs or relying on any trusted third party. One elegant approach to secure computation is based on homomorphic encryption. Recently, building on this approach, Carlton et al. (CT-RSA 2018) and Bourse et al. (CT-RSA 2020) presented novel solutions for the problem of secure integer comparison. These protocols have demonstrated significantly improved performance compared to the well-known and frequently used DGK protocol (ACISP 2007 and Int. J. Appl. Cryptogr. 1(4),323–324, 2009). In this paper, we introduce a class of higher residuosity attacks, which can be regarded as an extension of the classical quadratic residuosity attack on the decisional Diffie-Hellman problem. We demonstrate that the small RSA subgroup decision problems, upon which both the CEK and BST protocols are based, are not difficult to solve when the prime base \( p_0 \) is small (e.g., \( p_0 < 100 \)). Under these conditions, the protocols achieve optimal overall performance. Furthermore, we offer recommendations for precluding such attacks, including one approach that does not adversely affect performance. We hope that these attacks can be applied to analyze other number-theoretic hardness assumptions.
Intermundium-DL: Assessing the Resilience of Current Schemes to Discrete-Log-Computation Attacks on Public Parameters
We consider adversaries able to perform a nonzero but small number of discrete logarithm computations, as would be expected with near-term quantum computers. Schemes with public parameters consisting of a few group elements are now at risk; could an adversary knowing the discrete logarithms of these elements go on to easily compromise the security of many users? We study this question for known schemes and find, across them, a perhaps surprising variance in the answers. In a first class are schemes, including Okamoto and Katz-Wang signatures, that we show fully retain security even when the discrete logs of the group elements in their parameters are known to the adversary. In a second class are schemes like Cramer-Shoup encryption and the SPAKE2 password-authenticated key exchange protocol that we show retain some partial but still meaningful and valuable security. In the last class are schemes we show by attack to totally break. The distinctions uncovered by these results shed light on the security of classical schemes in a setting of immediate importance, and help make choices moving forward.
Key Revocation in Registered Attribute-Based Encryption
Registered Attribute-Based Encryption (RABE) enhances traditional attribute-based encryption by allowing users to register their own public keys, while a key curator transparently aggregates these keys into a compact master public key, addressing key escrow issues. In long-term applications, the compromise of users' secret keys becomes a significant risk, making key revocation a critical functionality. In this paper, we initiate a formal study of key revocation mechanisms for RABE and introduce two types: Deletable Registered Attribute-Based Encryption (DRABE) and Directly Revocable Registered Attribute-Based Encryption (RRABE). The key distinction between these two approaches lies in how the revocation process is managed. In DRABE, the key curator handles revocation by deleting previously registered keys and updating the master public key. In contrast, RRABE bypasses the need for such updates, allowing the encryptor to directly specify a set of revoked users during encryption. Our primary contribution is the construction of DRABE, where we propose a generic framework based on Slotted Registered Attribute-Based Encryption (sRABE), a primitive introduced by Hohenberger et al. at EUROCRYPT 2023. This generic construction inherits the predicate structure of the underlying sRABE scheme, enabling DRABE to support a wide range of predicates. By instantiating our construction with existing sRABE schemes, we obtain efficient pairing-based DRABE schemes for a bounded number of users, as well as schemes for an unbounded number of users, though the latter relies on non-black-box cryptographic techniques. For RRABE, we propose a semi-generic construction for Boolean formulae, utilizing RABE schemes that support these predicates.
Kleptographic Attacks against Implicit Rejection
Given its integral role in modern encryption systems such as CRYSTALS-Kyber, the Fujisaki-Okamoto (FO) transform will soon be at the center of our secure communications infrastructure. An enduring debate surrounding the FO transform is whether to use explicit or implicit rejection when decapsulation fails. Presently, implicit rejection, as implemented in CRYSTALS-Kyber, is supported by a strong set of arguments. Therefore, understanding its security implications in different attacker models is essential. In this work, we study implicit rejection through a novel lens, namely, from the perspective of kleptography. Concretely, we consider an attacker model in which the attacker can subvert the user's code to compromise security while remaining undetectable. In this scenario, we present three attacks that significantly reduce the security level of the FO transform with implicit rejection. Notably, our attacks apply to CRYSTALS-Kyber.
Lattice-based Proof-Friendly Signatures from Vanishing Short Integer Solutions
Efficient anonymous credentials are typically constructed by combining proof-friendly signature schemes with compatible zero-knowledge proof systems. Inspired by pairing-based proof-friendly signatures such as Boneh- Boyen (BB) and Boneh-Boyen-Shacham (BBS), we propose a wide family of lattice-based proof-friendly signatures based on variants of the vanishing short integer solution (vSIS) assumption [Cini-Lai-Malavolta, Crypto'23]. In particular, we obtain natural lattice-based adaptions of BB and BBS which, similar to their pairing-based counterparts, admit nice algebraic properties. [Bootle-Lyubashevsky-Nguyen-Sorniotti, Crypto'23] (BLNS) recently proposed a framework for constructing lattice-based proof-friendly signatures and anonymous credentials, based on another new lattice assumption called ISIS_f parametrised by a fixed function f, with focus on f being the binary decomposition. We introduce a generalised ISIS_f framework, called GenISIS_f, with a keyed and probabilistic function f. For example, picking $f_b(\mu) = 1/(b-\mu)$ with key $b$ for short ring element $\mu$ leads to algebraic and thus proof-friendly signatures. To better gauge the robustness and proof-friendliness of (Gen)ISIS_f, we consider what happens when the inputs to f are chosen selectively (or even adaptively) by the adversary, and the behaviour under relaxed norm checks. While bit decomposition quickly becomes insecure, our proposed function families seem robust.
Lattice-based Zero-knowledge Proofs for Blockchain Confidential Transactions
We propose new zero-knowledge proofs for efficient and postquantum ring confidential transaction (RingCT) protocols based on lattice assumptions in Blockchain systems. First, we introduce an inner-product based linear equation satisfiability approach for balance proofs with a wide range (e.g., 64-bit precision). Unlike existing balance proofs (MatRiCT and MatRiCT+) that require additional proofs for some ''corrector values'', our approach avoids the corrector values for better efficiency. Furthermore, we design a ring signature scheme to efficiently hide a user’s identity in large anonymity sets. Different from existing approaches that adopt a one-out-of-many proof (MatRiCT and MatRiCT+), we show that a linear sum proof suffices in ring signatures, which could avoid the costly binary proof part. We further use the idea of ''unbalanced'' relations to build a logarithmic-size ring signature scheme. Finally, we show how to adopt these techniques in RingCT protocols and implement a prototype to compare the performance with existing approaches. The results show our solutions can reduce up to 50% and 20% proof size, 30% and 20% proving time, 20% and 20% verification time of MatRiCT and MatRiCT+, respectively. We also believe our techniques are of independent interest for other applications and are applicable in a generic setting.
Memory-Efficient BKW Algorithm for Solving the LWE Problem
The study of attack algorithms for the Learning with Errors (LWE) problem is crucial for the cryptanalysis of LWE-based cryptosystems. The BKW algorithm has gained significant attention as an important combinatorial attack for solving LWE. However, its exponential time and memory requirements severely limit its practical applications, even with medium-sized parameters. In this paper, we present a memory-efficient BKW algorithm for LWE, which extends Bogos's work [Asiacrypt'16] on the Learning Parity with Noise (LPN) problem. While their work improved efficiency, it overlooked the high memory demands of the BKW algorithm. We address this with two key improvements. First, we propose an efficient reduction technique for low-memory regimes, \(c\)-sum-PCS-reduce, which combines the \(c\)-sum technique with Parallel Collision Search (PCS) to achieve a better time-memory trade-off. Second, we present an improved memory-optimized finite automaton for our optimized BKW algorithm by incorporating several efficient memory-saving reduction techniques and pruning potential high-memory paths. Our algorithm, using graphs as a meta tool, can automatically identify the optimal reduction path within the graph, aiming to reduce both time and memory complexities. Compared to the state-of-the-art coded-BKW in the lattice-estimator, our algorithm achieves time complexity improvements ranging from \(2^{3.3}\) to \(2^{26.2}\). Furthermore, memory complexity is improved, with reductions ranging from \(2^{9.7}\) to \(2^{71.3}\).
Monotone-Policy BARGs and More from BARGs and Quadratic Residuosity
We say a tuple of NP statements $(x_1, \ldots, x_k)$ satisfies a monotone policy $P \colon \{0,1\}^k \to \{0,1\}$ if $P(b_1,\ldots,b_k)=1$, where $b_i = 1$ if and only if $x_i$ is in the NP language. A monotone-policy batch argument (monotone-policy BARG) for NP is a natural extension of regular batch arguments (BARGs) that allows a prover to prove that $x_1, \ldots, x_k$ satisfy a monotone policy $P$ with a proof of size $\mathsf{poly}(\lambda, |\mathcal{R}|, \log k)$, where $|\mathcal{R}|$ is the size of the Boolean circuit computing the NP relation $\mathcal{R}$. Previously, Brakerski, Brodsky, Kalai, Lombardi, and Paneth (CRYPTO 2023) and Nassar, Waters, and Wu (TCC 2024) showed how to construct monotone-policy BARGs from (somewhere-extractable) BARGs for NP together with a leveled homomorphic encryption scheme (Brakerski et al.) or an additively homomorphic encryption scheme over a sufficiently-large group (Nassar et al.). In this work, we improve upon both works by showing that BARGs together with additively homomorphic encryption over any group suffices (e.g., over $\mathbb{Z}_2$). For instance, we can instantiate the additively homomorphic encryption with the classic Goldwasser-Micali encryption scheme based on the quadratic residuosity (QR) assumption. Then, by appealing to existing compilers, we also obtain a monotone-policy aggregate signature scheme from any BARG and the QR assumption.
Multi-Client Attribute-Based and Predicate Encryption, Revisited
Multi-client Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) is a generalization of key-policy ABE where attributes can be independently encrypted across several ciphertexts w.r.t. labels, and a joint decryption of these ciphertexts is possible if and only if (1) all ciphertexts share the same label, and (2) the combination of attributes satisfies the policy of the decryption key. All encryptors have their own secret key and security is preserved even if some of them are known to the adversary. Very recently, Pointcheval et al. (TCC 2024) presented a semi-generic construction of MC-ABE for restricted function classes, e.g., NC0 and constant-threshold policies. We identify an abstract criterion common to all their policy classes which suffices to present the construction in a fully black-box way and allows for a slight strengthening of the supported policy classes. The construction of Pointcheval et al. is based on pairings. We provide a new lattice-based instantiation from evasive LWE. Furthermore, we revisit existing constructions for policies that can be viewed as a conjunction of local policies (one per encryptor). Existing constructions from MDDH (Agrawal et al., CRYPTO 2023) and LWE (Francati et al., EUROCRYPT 2023) do not support encryption w.r.t. different labels. We show how this feature can be included at the cost of additionally relying on random oracles. Notably, the security model of Francati et al. additionally guarantees attribute-hiding but does not capture collusions. Our new construction is also attribute-hiding and provides resilience against any polynomially bounded number of collusions which must be fixed at the time of setup.
Multi-Client Attribute-Based Unbounded Inner Product Functional Encryption, and More
This paper presents the concept of a multi-client functional encryption (MC-FE) scheme for attribute-based inner product functions (AB-IP), initially proposed by Abdalla et al. [ASIACRYPT’20], in an unbounded setting. In such a setting, the setup is independent of vector length constraints, allowing secret keys to support functions of arbitrary lengths, and clients can dynamically choose vector lengths during encryption. The functionality outputs the sum of inner products if vector lengths and indices meet a specific relation, and all clients’ attributes satisfy the key’s policy. We propose the following constructions based on the matrix decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption in a natural permissive setting of unboundedness: – the first multi-client attribute-based unbounded IPFE (MC-AB-UIPFE) scheme secure in the standard model, overcoming previous limitations where clients could only encrypt fixed-length data; – the first multi-input AB-UIPFE (MI-AB-UIPFE) in the public key setting; improving upon prior bounded constructions under the same assumption; – the first dynamic decentralized UIPFE (DD-UIPFE); enhancing the dynamism property of prior works. Technically, we follow the blueprint of Agrawal et al. [CRYPTO’23] but begin with a new unbounded FE called extended slotted unbounded IPFE. We first construct a single-input AB-UIPFE in the standard model and then extend it to multi-input settings. In a nutshell, our work demonstrates the applicability of function-hiding security of IPFE in realizing variants of multi-input FE capable of encoding unbounded length vectors both at the time of key generation and encryption.
Multi-Client Functional Encryption with Public Inputs and Strong Security
Recent years have witnessed a significant development for functional encryption (FE) in the multi-user setting, particularly with multi-client functional encryption (MCFE). The challenge becomes more important when combined with access control, such as attribute-based encryption (ABE), which was actually not covered syntactically by the public-key FE nor semantically by the secret-key MCFE frameworks. On the other hand, as for complex primitives, many works have studied the admissibility of adversaries to ensure that the security model encompasses all real threats of attacks. 1. At a conceptual level, by adding a public input to FE/MCFE, we cover many previous primitives, notably attribute-based function classes. Furthermore, with the strongest admissibility for inner-product functionality, our framework is quite versatile, as it encrypts multiple sub-vectors, allows repetitions and corruptions, and eventually also encompasses public-key FE and classical ABE, bridging the private setting of MCFE with the public setting of FE and ABE. 2. Finally, we propose an MCFE with public inputs with the class of functions that combines inner-products (on private inputs) and attribute-based access-control (on public inputs) for LSSS policies. We achieve the first AB-MCFE for inner products with strong admissibility (from Nguyen et al., ACNS'23) and with adaptive security. In the end, our concrete MCFE leads to MIFE for inner products, public-key single-input inner-product FE with LSSS key-policy, and KPABE for LSSS, with adaptive security. Previous AB-MCFE constructions are either restricted in terms of weaker admissibility (Nguyen et al., ASIACRYPT'22) or considers a slightly larger functionality of attribute-weighted sum but with only selective security (Agrawal et al., CRYPTO'23).
Multiple Group Action Dlogs with(out) Precomputation
Let $\star: G \times X \rightarrow X$ be the action of a group $G$ of size $N=|G|$ on a set $X$. Let $y = g \star x \in X$ be a {\em group action dlog} instance, where our goal is to compute the unknown group element $g \in G$ from the known set elements $x,y \in X$. The Galbraith-Hess-Smart (GHS) collision finding algorithm solves the group action dlog in $N^{\frac 1 2}$ steps with polynomial memory. We show that group action dlogs are suitable for precomputation attacks. More precisely, for any $s,t$ our precomputation algorithm computes within $st$ steps a hint of space complexity $s$, which allows to solve any group action dlog in an online phase within $t$ steps. A typical instantiation is $s=t=N^{\frac 1 3}$, which gives precomputation time $N^{\frac 2 3}$ and space~$N^{\frac 1 3}$, and online time only $N^{\frac 1 3}$. Moreover, we show that solving multiple group action dlog instances $y_1, \ldots , y_m$ allows for speedups. Namely, our collision finding algorithm solves $m$ group action dlogs in $\sqrt{m}N^{\frac 1 2}$ steps, instead of the straight-forward $mN^{\frac 1 2}$ steps required for running $m$ times GHS. Our multiple instance approach can be combined with our precomputations, allowing for a variety of tradeoffs. Technically, our precomputation and multiple instance group action dlog attacks are adaptations of the techniques from the standard dlog setting in abelian groups. While such an adaptation seems natural, it is per se unclear which techniques transfer from the dlog to the more general group action dlog setting, for which $X$ does not offer a group structure. Our algorithms have direct implications for all group action based cryptosystems, such as CSIDH and its variants. We provide experimental evidence that our techniques work well in the CSIDH setting.
Non-Committing Identity based Encryption: Constructions and Applications
A receiver non-committing encryption (RNCE) scheme ~\cite{CFGN96,CHK05} allows one to sample a public key pk and (dummy) ciphertext ct without knowing the message m. Later, when the message is known, one can sample a secret key sk that looks like the secret key corresponding to pk, and decryption of ct produces m. In this work, we study receiver non-committing identity-based encryption (RNC-IBE). We give constructions based on standard assumptions on bilinear groups (prior works~\cite{HMNY21} require indistinguishability obfuscation). Our RNC-IBE constructions have important implications for incompressible identity based encryption. This notion was recently introduced ~\cite{GKRV24}. However, there were no constructions for the strongest security definitions in ~\cite{GKRV24}. Our RNC-IBE scheme also leads to the first incompressible IBE scheme with optimal ciphertext size, which was another open question in \cite{GKRV24}. We also give constructions for relaxed RNC-IBE (where the identity space is polynomial in the security parameter, but the public key is compact) that are based on DDH, LWE. This leads to a relaxed incompressible IBE scheme with strong security from the same assumptions.
Non-Interactive Distributed Point Functions
Distributed Point Functions (DPFs) are a useful cryptographic primitive enabling a dealer to distribute short keys to two parties, such that the keys encode additive secret shares of a secret point function. However, in many applications of DPFs, no single dealer entity has full knowledge of the secret point function, necessitating the parties to run an interactive protocol to emulate the setup. Prior works have aimed to minimize complexity metrics of such distributed setup protocols, e.g., round complexity, while remaining black-box in the underlying cryptography. We construct Non-Interactive DPFs (NIDPF), which have a one-round (semi-honest, simultaneous-message) setup protocol, removing the need for a trusted dealer. Specifically, our construction allows each party to publish a special “public key” to a public channel or bulletin board, where the public key encodes the party’s secret function parameters. Using the public key of another party, any pair of parties can locally derive a DPF key for the point function parameterized by the two parties’ joint inputs. We realize NIDPF from an array of standard assumptions, including DCR, SXDH, QR, and LWE. Each party’s public key is of size O(N^2/3), for point functions with a domain of size N, which leads to a sublinear communication setup protocol. The only prior approach to realizing such a non-interactive setup required using multi-key fully-homomorphic encryption or indistinguishability obfuscation. As immediate applications of our construction, we obtain the first “public-key setup” for several existing constructions of pseudorandom correlation generators and “one-round” protocols for secure comparisons.
Non-Interactive Key Exchange: New Notions, New Constructions, and Forward Security
Non-interactive key exchange (NIKE) is a simple and elegant cryptographic primitive that allows two or more users to agree on a secret shared key without any interaction. NIKE schemes have been formalized in different scenarios (such as the public-key, or the identity-based setting), and have found many applications in cryptography. In this work, we propose a NIKE variant that generalizes public-key and identity-based NIKE: a multi-authority identity-based NIKE (MA-ID-NIKE) is defined like an identity-based NIKE, only with several identity domains (i.e., several instances of an identity-based NIKE), and such that users from different identity domains can compute shared keys. This makes MA-ID-NIKE schemes more versatile than existing NIKE or identity-based NIKE schemes, for instance, in an application in which users from different (centrally managed) companies need to compute shared keys. We show several results for MA-ID-NIKE schemes: - We show that MA-ID-NIKE schemes generically imply public-key NIKEs, identity-based NIKEs, as well as forward-secure NIKE schemes, the latter of which are notoriously hard to construct. - We propose two simple constructions of MA-ID-NIKE schemes from indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) and multilinear maps, respectively. These constructions achieve only selective security, but can be leveraged to adaptive security for small groups of users (that want to be able to agree on a joint shared key) in the random oracle model. - We give a simple and elegant construction of MA-ID-NIKEs from identity-based encryption (IBE) and universal samplers. This construction achieves adaptive security also for large groups of users based on the adaptive security of the used universal samplers. Universal samplers, in turn, are known to be achievable using iO in the random oracle model. As a nice feature, the same construction yields hierarchical MA-ID-NIKEs or public-key NIKEs when instantiated with hierarchical IBE or public-key encryption instead of IBE schemes. While these results are clearly only feasibility results, they do demonstrate the achievability of a concept that itself has very practical use cases.
OCash: Fully Anonymous Payments between Blockchain Light Clients
We study blockchain-based provably anonymous payment systems between \emph{light clients}. Such clients interact with the blockchain through full nodes, which can see what the light clients read and write. The goal of our work is to enable light clients to perform anonymous payments, while maintaining privacy even against the full nodes through which they interact with the blockchain. We formalize the problem in the UC model and present a provably secure solution. We show that a variation of tree ORAM gives obliviousness even when an adversary can follow how its own data elements move in the tree. We use this for anonymity via shuffling of payments on the blockchain, while at the same time allowing the light client to know a few positions among which to find its payment without knowing the current state of the blockchain. In comparison to existing works, we are the first ones that simultaneously provide strong anonymity guarantees, provable security, and anonymity with respect to full nodes. Along the way, we make several contributions that may be of independent interest. We define and construct anonymous-coin friendly encryption schemes and show how they can be used within anonymous payment systems. We define and construct efficient compressible randomness beacons, which produce unpredictable values in regular intervals and allow for storing all published values in a short digest.
On Graphs of Incremental Proofs of Sequential Work
In this work, we characterize graphs of \emph{(graph-labeling) incremental proofs of sequential work} (iPoSW). First, we define \emph{incremental} graphs and prove they are necessary for iPoSWs. Relying on space pebbling complexity of incremental graphs, we show that the depth-robust graphs underling the PoSW of Mahmoody et al., are not incremental, and hence, their PoSW cannot be transformed into an iPoSW. Second, and toward a generic iPoSW construction, we define graphs whose structure is compatible with the incremental sampling technique (Döttling et al.). These are \emph{dynamic} graphs. We observe that the graphs underlying all PoSWs, standalone or incremental, are dynamic. We then generalize current iPoSW schemes by giving a generic construction that transforms any PoSW whose underlying graph is incremental and dynamic into an iPoSW. As a corollary, we get a new iPoSW based on the modified Cohen-Pietrzak graph. When used in constructing blockchain light-client bootstrapping protocols (Abusalah et al.), such an iPoSW, results in the most efficient bootstrappers/provers, in terms of both proof size and space complexity. Along the way, we show that previous iPoSW definitions allow for trivial solutions. To overcome this, we provide a refined definition that captures the essence of iPoSWs and is satisfied by all known iPoSW constructions.
One Bit to Rule Them All - Imperfect Randomness Harms Lattice Signatures
The Fiat-Shamir transform is one of the most widely applied methods for secure signature construction. Fiat-Shamir starts with an interactive zero-knowledge identification protocol and transforms this via a hash function into a non-interactive signature. The protocol's zero-knowledge property ensures that a signature does not leak information on its secret key $\vec s$, which is achieved by blinding $\vec s$ via proper randomness~$\vec y$. Most prominent Fiat-Shamir examples are DSA signatures and the new post-quantum standard Dilithium. In practice, DSA signatures have experienced fatal attacks via leakage of a few bits of the randomness~$\vec y$ per signature. Similar attacks now emerge for lattice-based signatures, such as Dilithium. We build on, improve and generalize the pioneering leakage attack on Dilithium by Liu, Zhou, Sun, Wang, Zhang, and Ming. {In theory}, their original attack can recover a 256-dimensional subkey of Dilithium-II (aka ML-DSA-44) from leakage in a single bit of $\vec{y}$ per signature, in any bit position $j \geq 6$. However, the memory requirement of their attack grows exponentially in the bit position $j$ of the leak. As a consequence, if the bit leak is in a high-order position, then their attack is infeasible. In our improved attack, we introduce a novel transformation, that allows us to get rid of the exponential memory requirement. Thereby, we make the attack feasible for \emph{all} bit positions $j \geq 6$. Furthermore, our novel transformation significantly reduces the number of required signatures in the attack. The attack applies more generally to all Fiat-Shamir-type lattice-based signatures. For a signature scheme based on module LWE over an $\ell$-dimensional module, the attack uses a 1-bit leak per signature to efficiently recover a $\frac{1}{\ell}$-fraction of the secret key. In the ring LWE setting, which can be seen as module LWE with $\ell = 1$, the attack thus recovers the whole key. For Dilithium-II, which uses $\ell = 4$, knowledge of a $\frac{1}{4}$-fraction of the 1024-dimensional secret key lets its security estimate drop significantly from $128$ to $84$ bits.
Predicate Encryption from Lattices: Enhanced Compactness and Refined Functionality
In this work, we explore the field of lattice-based Predicate Encryption (PE), with a focus on enhancing compactness and refining functionality. First, we present a more compact bounded collusion predicate encryption scheme compared to previous constructions, significantly reducing both the per-unit expansion and fixed overhead, while maintaining an optimal linear blow-up proportional to $Q$. Next, we propose a Predicate Inner Product Functional Encryption (P-IPFE) scheme based on our constructed predicate encryption scheme. P-IPFE preserves the attribute-hiding property while enabling decryption to reveal only the inner product between the key and message vectors, rather than the entire message as in traditional PE. Our P-IPFE scheme also achieves bounded collusion resistance while inheriting the linear compactness optimized in the underlying PE scheme. Additionally, it supports any polynomial-sized and bounded-depth circuits, thereby extending beyond the inner-product predicate class in prior works. Furthermore, all the proposed schemes achieve selective fully attribute-hiding security in the simulation-based model, therefore, can further attain semi-adaptive security by adopting existing upgrading techniques.
PRISM: Simple And Compact Identification and Signatures From Large Prime Degree Isogenies
The problem of computing an isogeny of large prime degree from a supersingular elliptic curve of unknown endomorphism ring is assumed to be hard both for classical as well as quantum computers. In this work, we first build a two-round identification protocol whose security reduces to this problem. The challenge consists of a random large prime $q$ and the prover simply replies with an efficient representation of an isogeny of degree $q$ from its public key. Using the hash-and-sign paradigm, we then derive a signature scheme with a very simple and flexible signing procedure and prove its security in the standard model. Our optimized C implementation of the signature scheme shows that signing is roughly $1.8\times$ faster than all SQIsign variants, whereas verification is $1.4\times$ times slower. The sizes of the public key and signature are comparable to existing schemes.
Privacy-Preserving Multi-Signatures: Generic Techniques and Constructions Without Pairings
Multi-signatures allow a set of parties to produce a single signature for a common message by combining their individual signatures. The result can be verified using the aggregated public key that represents the group of signers. Very recent work by Lehmann and Özbay (PKC '24) studied the use of multi-signatures for ad-hoc privacy-preserving group signing, formalizing the notion of multi-signatures with probabilistic yet verifiable key aggregation. Moreover, they proposed new BLS-type multi-signatures, allowing users holding a long-term key pair to engage with different groups, without the aggregated key leaking anything about the corresponding group. This enables key-reuse across different groups in a privacy-preserving way. Unfortunately, their technique cannot be applied to Schnorr-type multi-signatures, preventing state-of-the-art multi-signatures to benefit from those privacy features. In this work, we revisit the privacy framework from Lehmann and Özbay. Our first contribution is a generic lift that adds privacy to any multi-signature with deterministic key aggregation. As our second contribution, we study two concrete multi-signatures, and give dedicated transforms that take advantage of the underlying structures for improved efficiency. The first one is a slight modification of the popular MuSig2 scheme, achieving the strongest privacy property for free compared to the original scheme. The second is a variant of the lattice-based multi-signature scheme DualMS, making our construction the first post-quantum secure multi-signature for ad-hoc privacy-preserving group signing. The light overhead incurred by the modifications in our DualMS variant still allow us to benefit from the competitiveness of the original scheme.
Public-Algorithm Substitution Attacks: Subverting Hashing and Verification
Algorithm-Substitution Attacks (ASAs) have traditionally targeted secretly-keyed algorithms (for example, symmetric encryption or signing) with the goal of undetectably exfiltrating the underlying key. We initiate work in a new direction, namely ASAs on algorithms that are public, meaning contain no secret-key material. Examples are hash functions, and verification algorithms of signature schemes or non-interactive arguments. In what we call a PA-SA (Public-Algorithm Substitution Attack), the big-brother adversary replaces the public algorithm $f$ with a subverted algorithm, while retaining a backdoor to the latter. Since there is no secret key to exfiltrate, one has to ask what a PA-SA aims to do. We answer this with definitions that consider big-brother's goal for the PA-SA to be three-fold: it desires utility (it can break an $f$-using scheme or application), undetectability (outsiders can't detect the substitution) and exclusivity (nobody other than big-brother can exploit the substitution). We start with a general setting in which $f$ is arbitrary, formalizing strong definitions for the three goals, and then give a construction of a PA-SA that we prove meets them. We use this to derive, as applications, PA-SAs on hash functions, signature verification and verification of non-interactive arguments, exhibiting new and effective ways to subvert these. As a further application of the first two, we give a PA-SA on X.509 TLS certificates. Our constructions serve to help defenders and developers identify potential attacks by illustrating how they might be built.
Radical 2-isogenies and cryptographic hash functions in dimensions 1, 2 and 3
We provide explicit descriptions for radical 2-isogenies in dimensions one, two and three using theta coordinates. These formulas allow us to efficiently navigate in the corresponding isogeny graphs. As an application of this, we implement different versions of the CGL hash function. Notably, the three-dimensional version is fastest, which demonstrates yet another potential of using higher dimensional isogeny graphs in cryptography.
Registration-Based Encryption in the Plain Model
Registration-based encryption (RBE) is a recently developed alternative to identity-based encryption, that mitigates the well-known key-escrow problem by letting each user sample its own key pair. In RBE, the key authority is substituted by a key curator, a completely transparent entity whose only job is to reliably aggregate users' keys. However, one limitation of all known RBE scheme is that they all rely on one-time trusted setup, that must be computed honestly. In this work, we ask whether this limitation is indeed inherent and we initiate the systematic study of RBE in the plain model, without any common reference string. We present the following main results: (Definitions) We show that the standard security definition of RBE is unachievable without a trusted setup and we propose a slight weakening, where one honest user is required to be registered in the system. (Constructions) We present constructions of RBE in the plain model, based on standard cryptographic assumptions. Along the way, we introduce the notions of non-interactive witness indistinguishable (NIWI) proofs secure against chosen statements attack and re-randomizable RBE, which may be of independent interest. A major limitation of our constructions, is that users must be updated upon every new registration. (Lower Bounds) We show that this limitation is in some sense inherent. We prove that any RBE in the plain model that satisfies a certain structural requirement, which holds for all known RBE constructions, must update all but a vanishing fraction of the users, upon each new registration. This is in contrast with the standard RBE settings, where users receive a logarithmic amount of updates throughout the lifetime of the system.
Revisiting the Security of Approximate FHE with Noise-Flooding Countermeasures
Approximate fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) schemes, such as the CKKS scheme (Cheon, Kim, Kim, Song, ASIACRYPT ’17), are among the leading schemes in terms of efficiency and are particularly suitable for Machine Learning (ML) tasks. Although efficient, approximate FHE schemes have some inherent risks: Li and Micciancio (EUROCRYPT ’21) demonstrated that while these schemes achieved the standard notion of CPA-security, they failed against a variant, IND-CPAD, in which the adversary is given limited access to the decryption oracle. Subsequently, Li, Micciancio, Schultz, and Sorrell (CRYPTO ’22) proved that with noise-flooding countermeasures which add Gaussian noise of sufficiently high variance before outputting the decrypted value, the CKKS scheme is secure. However, the variance required for provable security is very high, inducing a large loss in message precision. We consider a broad class of attacks on CKKS with noise-flooding countermeasures, which we call “semi-honest” attacks, in which an adversary obtains the view of an honest party who holds the public key and can make evaluation and decryption queries to an oracle. The ciphertexts submitted for decryption can be fresh ciphertexts, or can be ciphertexts resulting from the homomorphic evaluation of some circuit on fresh and independent ciphertexts. We analyze the concrete security of CKKS with various levels of noise- flooding in the face of such attacks. The aim of this work is to outline and precisely quantify the various trade-offs between the number of allowed decryptions before refreshing the keys, noise-flooding levels, and the concrete security of the scheme after a number of decryptions have been observed by the adversary. Due to the large dimension and modulus in typical FHE parameter sets, previous techniques even for estimating the concrete runtime of such attacks – such as those in (Dachman-Soled, Ducas, Gong, Rossi, CRYPTO ’20) – become computationally infeasible, since they involve high di- mensional and high precision matrix multiplication and inversion. We therefore develop new techniques that allow us to perform fast security estimation, even for FHE-size parameter sets.
Securely Instantiating `Half Gates' Garbling in the Standard Model
Garbling is a fundamental cryptographic primitive, with numerous theoretical and practical applications. Since the first construction by Yao (FOCS’82, ’86), a line of work has concerned itself with reducing the communication and computational complexity of that construction. One of the most efficient garbling schemes presently is the ‘Half Gates’ scheme by Zahur, Rosulek, and Evans (Eurocrypt’15). Despite its widespread adoption, the provable security of this scheme has been based on assumptions whose only instantiations are in idealized models. For example, in their original paper, Zahur, Rosulek, and Evans showed that hash functions satisfying a notion called circular correlation robustness (CCR) suffice for this task, and then proved that CCR secure hash functions can be instantiated in the random permutation model. In this work, we show how to securely instantiate the Half Gates scheme in the standard model. To this end, we first show how this scheme can be securely instantiated given a (family of) weak CCR hash function, a notion that we introduce. Furthermore, we show how a weak CCR hash function can be used to securely instantiate other efficient garbling schemes, namely the ones by Rosulek and Roy (Crypto’21) and Heath (Eurocrypt’24). Thus we believe this notion to be of independent interest. Finally, we construct such weak CCR hash functions using indistinguishability obfuscation and one-way functions. The security proof of this construction constitutes our main technical contribution. While our construction is not practical, it serves as a proof of concept supporting the soundness of these garbling schemes, which we regard to be particularly important given the recent initiative by NIST to standardize garbling, and the optimizations in Half Gates being potentially adopted.
Security Analysis of Signal’s PQXDH Handshake
Signal recently deployed a new handshake protocol named PQXDH to protect against "harvest-now-decrypt-later" attacks of a future quantum computer. To this end, PQXDH adds a post-quantum KEM to the Diffie-Hellman combinations of the prior X3DH handshake. In this work, we give a reductionist security analysis of Signal's PQXDH handshake in a game-based security model that captures the targeted "maximum-exposure" security against both classical and quantum adversaries, allowing fine-grained compromise of user's long-term, semi-static, and ephemeral key material. We augment prior such models to capture not only the added KEM component but also the signing of public keys, which prior analyses did not capture but which adds an additional flavor of post-quantum security in PQXDH. We then establish fully parameterized, concrete security bounds for the classical and post-quantum session key security of PQXDH, and discuss how design choices in PQXDH make a KEM binding property necessary and how a lack of domain separation reduces the achievable security. Our discussion of KEM binding and domain separation complements the concurrent tool-based analysis of PQXDH by Bhargavan, Jacomme, Kiefer, and Schmidt (USENIX Security 2024), which pointed out a potential re-encapsulation attack if the KEM shared secret does not bind the public key. In contrast to the tool-based analysis, we analyze all protocol modes of PQXDH and its "maximum-exposure" security. We further show that both Kyber (used in PQXDH) and the NIST standard ML-KEM (expected to replace Kyber) satisfy a novel binding notion we introduce and rely on for our PQXDH analysis, which may be of independent interest.
Single-Input Functionality against a Dishonest Majority: Practical and Round-Optimal
In this work, we focus on Single-Input Functionality (SIF), a specialized case of MPC where only one designated party, called the dealer, holds a private input. SIF enables the dealer to perform computations with other parties without disclosing any additional information about the private input. SIF has a wide range of applications, such as multiple-verifier zero-knowledge and verifiable relation sharing. We propose the \emph{first} 1-round SIF protocol against a dishonest majority in the preprocessing model, achieving high efficiency. Previous works either require at least 2-round online communication (Yang and Wang, Asiacrypt 2022; Baum et al., CCS 2022; Zhou et al., Euro S\&P 2024) or are limited to feasibility results (Lepinski et al., TCC 2005; Applebaum et al., Crypto 2022). We also show the necessity of using the broadcast channels, by formally proving that 1-round SIF is \emph{impossible} to achieve in the preprocessing model, if there are no broadcast channels available. Finally, we implement our protocol and present extensive experimental results, demonstrating its practical efficiency.
Split Prover Zero-Knowledge SNARKs
We initiate the study of split prover zkSNARKs, which allow Alice to offload part of the zkSNARK computation to her assistant, Bob. In scenarios like online transactions (e.g., zCash), a significant portion of the witness (e.g., membership proofs of input coins) is often available to the prover (Alice) before the transaction begins. This setup offers an opportunity to Alice to initiate the proof computation early, even before the entire witness is available. The remaining computation can then be delegated to Bob, who can complete it once the final witness (e.g., the transaction amount) is known. To prevent Bob from generating proofs independently (e.g., initiating unauthorized transactions), it is essential that the data provided to him for the second phase of computation does not reveal the witness used in the first phase. Additionally, the verifier of the zkSNARK should be unable to determine whether the proof was generated solely by Alice or through this two-step process. To achieve this efficiently, we require this two-phase proof generation to only use cryptography in a black-box manner. We propose a split prover zkSNARK based on the Groth16 zkSNARKs [Groth, EUROCRYPT 2016], meeting all these requirements. Our solution is also asymptotically tight, meaning it achieves the optimal second phase proof generation time for Groth16. Importantly, our split prover zk- SNARK preserves the verification algorithm of the original Groth16 zkSNARK, enabling seamless integration into existing deployments of Groth16.
Stateless Deterministic Multi-Party EdDSA Signatures with Low Communication
EdDSA is a standardized signing algorithm, by both the IRTF and NIST, that is widely used in blockchain, e.g., Hyperledger, Cardano, Zcash, etc. It is a variant of the well-known Schnorr signature scheme that leverages Edwards curves. It features stateless and deterministic nonce generation, meaning it does not rely on a reliable source of randomness or state continuity. Recently, NIST issued a call for multi-party threshold EdDSA signatures, with one approach verifying nonce generation through zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs. In this paper, we propose a new stateless and deterministic multi-party EdDSA protocol in the full-threshold setting, capable of tolerating all-but-one malicious corruption. Compared to the state-of-the-art multi-party EdDSA protocol by Garillot et al. (Crypto’21), our protocol reduces communication cost by a factor of 56x while maintaining the same three-round structure, albeit with a roughly 2.25x increase in computational cost. We utilize information-theoretic message authentication codes (IT-MACs) in a multi-verifier setting to authenticate values and transform them from the Boolean domain to the arithmetic domain by refining multi-verifier extended doubly-authenticated bits (mv-edabits). Additionally, we employ pseudorandom correlation functions (PCF) to generate IT-MACs in a stateless and deterministic manner. Combining these elements, we design a multi-verifier zero-knowledge (MVZK) protocol for stateless and deterministic nonce generation. Our protocol can be used to build secure blockchain wallets and custody solutions, enhancing key protection.
Stateless Threshold Schnorr Signatures with Game-Based Security
Threshold Schnorr signatures are seeing increased adoption in practice, and offer practical defenses against single points of failure. However, one challenge with existing randomized threshold Schnorr signature schemes is that signers must carefully maintain secret state across signing rounds, while also ensuring that state is deleted after a signing session is completed. Failure to do so will result in a fatal key-recovery attack by re-use of nonces. While deterministic threshold Schnorr signatures that mitigate this issue exist in the literature, all prior schemes incur high complexity and performance overhead in comparison to their randomized equivalents. In this work, we seek the best of both worlds; a deterministic and stateless threshold Schnorr signature scheme that is also simple and efficient. Towards this goal, we present Arctic, a lightweight two-round threshold Schnorr signature that is deterministic, and therefore does not require participants to maintain state between signing rounds. As a building block, we formalize the notion of a Verifiable Pseudorandom Secret Sharing (VPSS) scheme, and define VPSS1, an efficient VPSS construction. VPSS1 is secure when the total number of participants is at least 2t − 1 and the adversary is assumed to corrupt at most t − 1; i.e., in the honest majority model. We prove that Arctic is secure under the discrete logarithm assumption in the random oracle model, similarly assuming at minimum 2t − 1 number of signers and a corruption threshold of at most t−1. For moderately sized groups (i.e., when n ≤ 20), Arctic is more than an order of magnitude more efficient than prior deterministic threshold Schnorr signatures in the literature. For small groups where n ≤ 10, Arctic is three orders of magnitude more efficient.
The Security of Hash-and-Sign with Retry against Superposition Attacks
Considering security against quantum adversaries, while it is important to consider the traditional existential unforgeability (EUF-CMA security), it is desirable to consider security against adversaries making quantum queries to the signing oracle: Plus-one security (PO security) and blind unforgeability (BU security) proposed by Boneh and Zhandry (Crypto 2013) and Alagic et al. (EUROCRYPT 2020), respectively. Hash-and-sign is one of the most common paradigms for constructing EUF-CMA-secure signature schemes in the quantum random oracle model, employing a trapdoor function and a hash function. It is known that its derandomized version is PO- and BU-secure. A variant of hash-and-sign, known as hash-and-sign with retry (HSwR), formulated by Kosuge and Xagawa (PKC 2024), is widespread since it allows for weakening the security assumptions of a trapdoor function. Unfortunately, it has not been known whether HSwR can achieve PO- and BU-secure even with derandomization. In this paper, we apply a derandomization with bounded loops to HSwR. We demonstrate that HSwR can achieve PO and BU security through this approach. Since derandomization with bounded loops offers advantages in some implementations, our results support its wider adoption, including in NIST PQC candidates.
Thorough Power Analysis on Falcon Gaussian Samplers and Practical Countermeasure
Falcon is one of post-quantum signature schemes selected by NIST for standardization. With the deployment underway, its implementation security is of great importance. In this work, we focus on the side-channel security of Falcon and our contributions are threefold. First, by exploiting the symplecticity of NTRU and a recent decoding technique, we dramatically improve the key recovery using power leakages within Falcon Gaussian samplers. Compared to the state of the art (Zhang, Lin, Yu and Wang, EUROCRYPT 2023), the amount of traces required by our attack for a full key recovery is reduced by at least 85%. Secondly, we present a complete power analysis for two exposed power leakages within Falcon’s integer Gaussian sampler. We identify new sources of these leakages, which have not been identified by previous works, and conduct detailed security evaluations within the reference implementation of Falcon on Chipwhisperer. Thirdly, we propose effective and easy-to-implement countermeasures against both two leakages to protect the whole Falcon’s integer Gaussian sampler. Configured with our countermeasures, we provide security evaluations on Chipwhisperer and report performance of protected implementation. Experimental results highlight that our countermeasures admit a practical trade-off between effciency and side-channel security.
Tight Adaptive Simulation Security for Identity-based Inner-Product FE in the (Quantum) Random Oracle Model
Abdalla et al. introduced a notion of ¥emph{identity-based inner-product functional encryption} (IBIPFE) that combines identity-based encryption (IBE) and inner-product functional encryption (IPFE). Thus far, several pairing-based and lattice-based IBIPFE schemes have been proposed. However, there are two open problems. First, there are no known IBIPFE schemes that satisfy the ¥emph{adaptive simulation-based security}. Second, known IBIPFE schemes that satisfy either the adaptive indistinguishability-based security or the selective simulation-based security do not have tight reductions. In this paper, we propose pairing-based and lattice-based IBIPFE schemes that satisfy the tight adaptive simulation-based security. At first, we propose a generic transformation from indistinguishability-based secure $(L + 1)$-dimensional (IB)IPFE} scheme to be simulation-based secure $L$-dimensional (IB)IPFE scheme. The proposed transformation improves Agrawal et al.'s transformation for plain IPFE (PKC 2020) that requires indistinguishability-based secure $2L$-dimensional scheme. Then, we construct a lattice-based IBIPFE scheme that satisfies the tight adaptive indistinguishability-based security under the LWE assumption in the quantum random oracle model. We apply the proposed transformation and obtain the first lattice-based IBIPFE scheme that satisfies adaptive simulation-based security. Finally, we construct a pairing-based IBIPFE scheme that satisfies the tight adaptive indistinguishability-based security under the DBDH assumption in the random oracle model. The pairing-based scheme does not use the proposed transformation towards the best efficiency.
Towards Leakage-Resilient Ratcheted Key Exchange
Ratcheted key exchange captures the heart of modern secure messaging, wherein protocol participants continuously update their secret material to protect against full state exposure through forward security (protecting past secrets and messages) and post-compromise security (recovering from compromise). However, many practical attacks only provide the adversary with partial information about the secret state of a given party, an attack vector that has been extensively studied under the umbrella of leakage resilience. Existing models of ratcheted key exchange or messaging therefore provide less-than-optimal guarantees under partial leakage due to inherent limitations in security under full state exposure that are exacerbated by relaxations in security made by many practical protocols for performance reasons. In this work, we initiate the study of leakage-resilient ratcheted key exchange that provides typical guarantees under full state exposure and additional guarantees under partial state exposure between ratchets of the protocol. We consider unidirectional ratcheted key exchange (URKE) where one party acts as the sender and the other as receiver. Starting from the notions of Balli et al. introduced at ASIACRYPT 2020, we formalise a key indistinguishability game under randomness manipulation and bounded leakage (KIND), which in particular enables the adversary to continually leak a bounded amount of the sender's state between honest send calls. We construct a corresponding protocol from a key-updatable key encapsulation mechanism (kuKEM) and a leakage-resilient one-time MAC. By instantiating this MAC in the random oracle model (ROM), results from Balli et al. imply that in the ROM, kuKEM and KIND-secure URKE are equally powerful, i.e., can be built from each other. As a second step, given the strong limitations that key indistinguishability imposes on the adversary, we formalise a one-wayness game that also permits leakage on the receiver. We then propose a corresponding construction from leakage-resilient kuKEM, which we introduce, and a leakage-resilient one-time MAC. Furthermore, we show that leakage-resilient kuKEM and one-way-secure URKE can be built from each other in the ROM, highlighting the increased cost that strong one-way security entails. Our work opens exciting directions for developing practical, leakage-resilient messaging protocols.
Transparent SNARKs over Galois Rings
Recently, there is a growing need for SNARKs to operate over a broader range of algebraic structures, and one important structure is Galois ring. We present transparent SNARK schemes over arbitrary Galois rings. Compared with Rinocchio scheme in Ganesh et al. (J Cryptol 2023), our SNARK schemes do not require a trusted third party to establish a structured reference string (SRS). In this paper, we present the expander code over arbitrary Galois rings, which can be encoded in $O(n)$ time. Using this expander code, we then extend the Brakedown commitment scheme in Golovnev et al. (CRYPTO 2023) to Galois rings. By combining the Libra framework in Xie et al. (CRYPTO 2019), we present a transparent SNARK for log-space uniform circuits over Galois rings, achieving $O(n)$ prover time, $O(\sqrt{n})$ proof size, and $O(\sqrt{n})$ verifier time. And by combining HyperPlonk in Chen et al. (EUROCRYPT 2023), we present a transparent SNARK for NP circuits over Galois rings, with $O(n\log^2 n)$ prover time, $O(\sqrt{n})$ proof size, and $O(\sqrt{n})$ verifier time.
Universally Composable Interactive and Ordered Multi-Signatures
Multi-signatures allow a given set of parties to cooperate in order to create a digital signature whose size is independent of the number of signers. At the same time, no other set of parties can create such a signature. While non-interactive multi-signatures are known (e.g. BLS from pairings), many popular multi-signature schemes such as MuSig2 (which are constructed from pairing-free discrete logarithm-style assumptions) require interaction. Such interactive multi-signatures have recently found practical applications e.g. in the cryptocurrency space. Motivated by classical and emerging use cases of such interactive multi-signatures, we introduce the first systematic treatment of interactive multi-signatures in the universal composability (UC) framework. Along the way, we revisit existing game-based security notions and prove that constructions secure in the game-based setting can easily be made UC secure and vice versa. In addition, we consider interactive multi-signatures where the signers must interact in a fixed pattern (so-called ordered multi-signatures). Here, we provide the first construction of ordered multi-signatures based on the one-more discrete logarithm assumption, whereas the only other previously known construction required pairings. Our scheme achieves a stronger notion of unforgeability, guaranteeing that the adversary cannot obtain a signature altering the relative order of honest signers. We also present the first formalization of ordered multi-signatures in the UC framework and again show that our stronger game-based definitions are equivalent to UC security.
Universally Composable Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge from Sigma Protocols via a New Straight-line Compiler
Non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs (NIZK) are essential building blocks in threshold cryptosystems like multiparty signatures, distributed key generation, and verifiable secret sharing, allowing parties to prove correct behavior without revealing secrets. Furthermore, universally composable (UC) NIZKs enable seamless composition in the larger cryptosystems. A popular way to construct NIZKs is to compile interactive protocols using the Fiat-Shamir transform. Unfortunately, Fiat-Shamir transformed NIZK requires rewinding the adversary and is not *straight-line extractable*, making it at odds with UC. Using Fischlin's transform gives straight-line extractability, but at the expense of many repetitions of the underlying protocol leading to poor concrete efficiency and difficulty in setting parameters. In this work, we propose a simple new transform that compiles a Sigma protocol for an algebraic relation into a UC-NIZK protocol *without any overheads of repetition*. - Given a Sigma protocol for proving m algebraic statements over n witnesses, we construct a compiler to transform it into a *straight-line extractable* protocol using an additively homomorphic encryption scheme AHE. Our prover executes the Sigma protocol's prover once and computes 2n encryptions. The verification process involves running the Sigma protocol verifier once and then computing n encryptions, which are homomorphically verified against the prover generated encryptions. We apply the Fiat-Shamir transform to the above straight-line extractable Sigma protocol to obtain a UC-NIZK. We instantiate AHE using class group-based encryption where the public key of the encryption scheme is obliviously sampled using a suitable hash function. This yields a UC-NIZK protocol in the random oracle model.
Vanishing Short Integer Solution, Revisited: Reductions, Trapdoors, Homomorphic Signatures for Low-Degree Polynomials
The vanishing short integer solution (vSIS) assumption [Cini-Lai-Malavolta, Crypto'23], at its simplest form, asserts the hardness of finding a polynomial with short coefficients which vanishes at a given random point. While vSIS has proven to be useful in applications such as succinct arguments, not much is known about its theoretical hardness. Furthermore, without the ability to generate a hard instance together with a trapdoor, the applicability of vSIS is significantly limited. We revisit the vSIS assumption focusing on the univariate single-point constant-degree setting, which can be seen as a generalisation of the (search) NTRU problem. In such a setting, we show that the vSIS problem is as hard as finding the shortest vector in certain ideal lattices. We also show how to generate a random vSIS instance together with a trapdoor, under the (decision) NTRU assumption. Interestingly, a vSIS trapdoor allows to sample polynomials of short coefficients which evaluate to any given value at the public point. By exploiting the multiplicativity of the polynomial ring, we use vSIS trapdoors to build a new homomorphic signature scheme for low-degree polynomials.
Watermarkable and Zero-Knowledge Verifiable Delay Functions from any Proof of Exponentiation
A verifiable delay function $\texttt{VDF}(x,T)\rightarrow (y,\pi)$ maps an input $x$ and time parameter $T$ to an output $y$ together with an efficiently verifiable proof $\pi$ certifying that $y$ was correctly computed. The function runs in $T$ sequential steps, and it should not be possible to compute $y$ much faster than that. The only known practical VDFs use sequential squaring in groups of unknown order as the sequential function, i.e., $y=x^{2^T}$. There are two constructions for the proof of exponentiation (PoE) certifying that $y=x^{2^T}$, with Wesolowski (Eurocrypt'19) having very short proofs, but they are more expensive to compute and the soundness relies on stronger assumptions than the PoE proposed by Pietrzak (ITCS'19). A recent application of VDFs by Arun, Bonneau and Clark (Asiacrypt'22) are short-lived proofs and signatures, which are proofs and signatures that are only sound for some time $t$, but after that can be forged by anyone. For this they rely on "watermarkable VDFs", where the proof embeds a prover chosen watermark. To achieve stronger notions of proofs/signatures with reusable forgeability, they rely on "zero-knowledge VDFs", where instead of the output $y$, one just proves knowledge of this output. The existing proposals for watermarkable and zero-knowledge VDFs all build on Wesolowski's PoE, for the watermarkable VDFs there's currently no security proof. In this work we give the first constructions that transform any PoEs in hidden order groups into watermarkable VDFs and into zkVDFs, solving an open question by Arun et al.. Unlike our watermarkable VDF, the zkVDF (required for reusable forgeability) is not very practical as the number of group elements in the proof is a security parameter. To address this, we introduce the notion of zero-knowledge proofs of sequential work (zkPoSW), a notion that relaxes zkVDFs by not requiring that the output is unique. We show that zkPoSW are sufficient to construct proofs or signatures with reusable forgeability, and construct efficient zkPoSW from any PoE, ultimately achieving short lived proofs and signatures that improve upon Arun et al's construction in several dimensions (faster forging times, arguably weaker assumptions). A key idea underlying our constructions is to not directly construct a (watermarked or zk) proof for $y=x^{2^T}$, but instead give a (watermarked or zk) proof for the more basic statement that $x',y'$ satisfy $x'=x^r,y'=y^r$ for some $r$, together with a normal PoE for $y'=(x')^{2^T}$.
Worst and Average Case Hardness of Decoding via Smoothing Bounds
In this work, we consider worst and average case hardness of decoding problems that are the basis for code-based cryptography. By a decoding problem, we refer to problems that take inputs of the form~$$(\mathbf{G}, \mathbf{m} \mathbf{G} + \mathbf{t})$ for a matrix $$\mathbf{G}$$ (which generates a code) and a noise vector $$\mathbf{t}$$, and the goal is to recover $$\mathbf{m}$$. We consider a natural strategy for creating a reduction to an average-case problem: from our input we simulate a Learning Parity with Noise (LPN) oracle, where we recall that LPN is essentially an average-case decoding problem where there is no a priori lower bound on the rate of the code. More formally, the oracle $$\mathcal{O}_{\mathbf x}$$ outputs independent samples of the form $$\langle \mathbf x, \mathbf a \rangle + e$$, where $$\mathbf a$$ is a uniformly random vector and $$e$$ is a noise bit. Such an approach is (implicit in) the previous worst-case to average-case reductions for coding problems (Brakerski et al Eurocrypt 2019, Yu and Zhang CRYPTO 2021). To analyze the effectiveness of this reduction, we use a smoothing bound derived recently by (Debris-Alazard et al, IEEE IT 2023), which quantifies the simulation error of this reduction. It is worth noting that this latter work crucially use a bound, known as the second linear programming bound, on the weight distribution of the code generated here by $$\mathbf{G}$$. Our approach, which is Fourier analytic in nature, applies to any smoothing distribution (so long as it is radial); for our purposes, the best choice appears to be Bernoulli (although for the analysis it is most effective to study the uniform distribution over a sphere, and subsequently translate the bound back to the Bernoulli distribution by applying a truncation trick). Our approach works naturally when reducing from a worst-case instance, as well as from an average-case instance. While we are unable to improve the parameters of the worst-case to average-case reductions of Brakerski et al or Yu and Zhang, we think that our work highlights two important points. Firstly, in analyzing the average-case to average-case reduction we run into inherent limitations of this reduction template. Essentially, it appears hopeless to reduce to an LPN instance for which the noise rate is more than inverse-polynomially biased away from uniform. We furthermore uncover a surprising weakness in the second linear programming bound: we observe that it is essentially useless for the regime of parameters where the rate of the code is inverse polynomial in the block-length. By highlighting these shortcomings, we hope to stimulate the development of new techniques for reductions between cryptographic decoding problems.
П: A Unified Framework for Computational Verifiable Secret Sharing
An $(n, t)$-Verifiable Secret Sharing (VSS) scheme allows a dealer to share a secret among $n$ parties, s.t. all the parties can verify the validity of their shares and only a set of them, i.e., more than $t$, can access the secret. In this paper, we present $\Pi$, as a unified framework for constructing computational VSS schemes in the honest-majority setting, based on Shamir secret sharing. Notably, $\Pi$ does not rely on homomorphic commitments; instead requires a random oracle and any commitment scheme that extra to its core attributes hiding and binding, it might be homomorphic and/or Post-Quantum (PQ) secure. - When employing Discrete Logarithm (DL)-based commitments, $\Pi$ enables the construction of two novel VSS schemes in the RO model, named $\Pi_P$ and $\Pi_F$. Compared to the well-known Pedersen and Feldman VSS schemes, both $\Pi_P$ and $\Pi_F$ require $O(1)$ (resp. $O(t)$) exponentiations in the verification (resp. reconstruction) process, as opposed to $O(t)$ (resp. $O(t^2)$), albeit at the expense of a constant factor slower sharing and increased communication. - By instantiating $\Pi$ with a hash-based commitment, we obtain a novel PQ-secure VSS scheme, labeled $\Pi_{LA}$. \Pi_{LA}} outperforms the recent protocol by Atapoor, Baghery, Cozzo, and Pedersen from Asiacrypt'23 by a constant factor in all metrics. $\Pi_{LA}$ can also be seen as an amplified version of the simple VSS scheme, proposed by Gennaro, Rabin, and Rabin at PODC'98. - Building upon $\Pi_F$, we construct a Publicly VSS (PVSS) scheme, labeled $\Pi_S$, that can be seen as a new variant of Schoenmakers' scheme from Crypto'99. To this end, we first define the Polynomial Discrete Logarithm (PDL) problem, as a generalization of DL and then build a variant of the Schnorr Proof of Knowledge (PoK) scheme based on the new hardness assumption. We think the PDL relation and the associated PoK scheme can be independently interesting for Shamir-based threshold protocols. We believe $\Pi$ is general enough to be employed in various contexts such as lattices, isogenies, and an extensive array of practical use cases.